Back again. After
another sleep!
Very tired person here.
Deb, you asked: how's the single life going?
Not too bad at all.
I reread my first few posts to this thread (following the relationship break-up, my first experience of living alone in
years, the sale of my/our beloved home, and all the rest (!) .... )
Was that
really all of 9 years ago?
Wow, how time flies!
When I read those early posts I see a not-too-brave person putting on a brave front.
I was actually pretty wobbly then. Maybe
very wobbly? (ha, but you knew that anyway!

So how's life going
now compared to
I can honestly say I feel a lot stronger in myself. And probably like myself a lot better, too.
There are a lot of things I worried about then (about being on my own, after years & years of "coupledom" ) which are non-issues now.
I don't know whether it's because I'm older & wiser (I
hope!) or whether I've simply adjusted to a new way of living, but life (apart from the inevitable financial difficulties) seems a lot simpler & calmer than it was before.
But more importantly perhaps, I understand that whether I'm feeling happy or contented with my life or not has everything to do with
Which is not to say that I don't have times when I feel lonely, or times when I feel some nostalgia for "coupled life" - or worry a bit if I fall off a ladder while pruning & break a leg & am not found for
But I figure it's better to feel the odd moments of aloneness when actually on one's own. Rather than when in a relationship. Which was how it was.
I can't see myself living under one roof with anyone again - whether in a close relationship with another, or for any other reason, really.)
BUT at the same time I think I enjoy the company of people - including men - a lot more (I confess I was "man shy" for quite a while after the end of that convoluted relationship).
The other thing I've learned: I
need quite a bit of time to myself, to unwind, to make sense of things, and just because I like it that way! It suits me.
Anyway, enough about me.
What about you, Deb?
Also others who posted here earlier on.
Do you see things differently now, compared to then?
I'd love for you to share your thoughts!