Well, I was going to go up the coast with my good friend, W, today ... but the weather forecasts were so alarming (gale force winds, rain, hail -even snow in some bits of the state! - that we thought the better of it. Didn't want to end up as a "rescue" story on the evening news!
Anyway, we had a lovely day together - as always - nothing like chewing the fat with your closest friend over lunch, then coffee, then cake!
So about an hour ago I got home. (with 3 heavy, smelly bags of mushrooms for composting for my garden in my boot.)
Oh no! 
One of the trees I'd planted myself 4 years ago, had watched grow bit by bit, had nurtured & loved & admired ..... was blown over in the mad storm that obviously took place in my absence.
So what to do?
First have a glass of wine & mourn the poor tree. Snapped off at the base, it was! Look at the gaping hole left by its absence. Oh.
Then, into action.: Go out into the gale & bring those bags of compost into my backyard & add them to the pile already nicely breaking down there.
Drag the remains of the (heavy!) tree away so it's out of the way. Making mental calculations about the next green garbage day. I'll have to chop it up to fit the wheely bin. Maybe 2 or 3 bin loads?
Decided on the next tree to fill the gaping hole. Yes, I know the one!
So here I am with another glass of wine. All's been done. No sweat!
Really it was so easy.
It mightn't seem much to you, but it just occurred to me that not so long ago this little episode could have seemed something of a disaster. My ex would have probably been somewhat put out, but would have dragged those bulging bags of mushrooms & added them to the compost heap. Then he would have "dealt" with the fallen tree ... with me watching on because he insisted it was appropriate, or something ......
You know, it really can be so much more
straight-forward when you're alone & you just have to cope yourself! You just get on with it & do what you need to do when there's only you!