Lash wrote:msolga--

Thank you. What do you do to stay busy? Does the quiet in the house bother you?
A pleasure, Lash.
Finding & staying in work takes up a considerable amount of time. <gnash, gnash>. And going on 3 years ago I moved to this little Victoria terrace house which has consumed
huge amounts of my time & energy: establishing & maintaining a garden, mowing lawns, dealing with the washing machine breaking down, etc.

, the sick cat, cooking meals, "home improvements", endless tradesmen, etc, etc, etc! These things take a lot more time when only one person is doing them!
Ah, but you mean
pleasure things, yes? Friends have always been very important to me & never more important than now. We share our lives. It gives me enormous pleasure. Nothing very unusual, like this Friday night A & I went on a Brunswick St crawl - dinner, bookshops, clothes, jewelry ... no stone was left unturned!

And yesterday W & I spent the day together talking, eating, walking, talking .... We have been friends for years so there's no pressure to be anything but ourselves. Apart from that, I'm trying to catch up on all the good films I missed in the last disastrous years of my relationship. I
love films & that was one of the interests that got lost during that wretched time. I love reading & am doing more of that now that I have more solo time again. I'm contemplating drawing again. (Relationships & "we" activities limited this sort of indulgence. Oh & I'm a bit of a dreamer & a
serious thinker & am finding the time for private reflection & thought, terrific. I'd love to travel again, but sole home ownership has seriously depleted my available $$$. The best thing about living alone is being open to whatever presents itself. Sometimes I'll go along with the idea & sometimes I might just want to be by myself.
And of course, sometimes being alone is
lonely. But I honestly think that sort of lonely is preferable to the loneliness of being in a disastrous relationship. That was
bad lonely!