Clitoral Hood Piercings

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:23 pm
I'm thinking of getting one.

1. Are they painful?

2. Are they easily caught?

3. Can they cause lasting damage?

4. Any other health risks associate specifically with this type of piercing?

5. Do you think they're sexy?

6. And worth it?

Just wanted some first hand insights into what the process is, what it feels like, how much it hurt etc, if you regretted it or were happy?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:35 pm
I know several people who have them.

All but one of them regret it , and one person claims to have lost feeling

The one who doesnt regret it says it makes her feel good all day, but it is exhausting as there is no real "end to it' if that makes sense..
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:43 pm
wow shewolf, I'm sure glad you didn't tell everybody I was one of the people you know that have them.


God....That would remind me of female circumsion. You know, mutilating a woman's genitals?

Does it hurt?

uh.....let's see.......gee, yes I guess it would.

good lord, amazing as this may seem, I'm speachless.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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honey rose cr
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:51 pm
On another site I'm asking for advice, a lot of them say it doesn't hurt as much as ear piercings. It's not directly into the clit, which WOULD hurt like a bitch. I do get the thing about losing sensation though, such direct stimulation all the time means you'd start to get used to it.

I personally think that it depends on which piercing you have; horizontal or vertical, and what type of jewellry you wear. Eg a bead would be rubbing against your clit more than just having a plain ring or something.

Shewolf, do you know which type of piercings the people you know have got? Vertical or Horizontal?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 03:14 pm
while you're at it et a tattoo on your taint that says "If you can read this.....you're just right"
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 03:17 pm
I can think of nothing worse, nor any body part that would be higher risk for life long damage.

I have no idea why anyone would even start to think this is a good idea.

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 03:26 pm
all jokes aside i must agree...
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 03:36 pm
squinney wrote:
I can think of nothing worse, nor any body part that would be higher risk for life long damage.

I have no idea why anyone would even start to think this is a good idea.


you know, after shewolfs initial calm response, I was wondering if I was the one that was odd (not calling shewolf odd at all, it's just the thought of......shiver).

Since I'm apparantly not alone in feeling queasy over this, I'll come right out and ask....honeyrose....why in the world would you want to stick pieces of metal through your genital area?

I don't care if it's directly through your clitoris or not. That is not a terrific spot to go multilating.

I imagine it's some kind of sex thing, right? I mean, it's not like your going to be getting dressed for work, and try to coordinate your clitoral hood ring to your handbag and shoes.

If you said you were into S&M I'd say, well, that's the sort of thing then that you would do....an aberration.

As difficult as it might be for someone to believe, there's more to life than sex.

I'm not trying to argue, and I'm not mad, the idea of that is just so awful.

squinny, I think those nipple piercings (oh god, I just had to hunch over just typing that) a just as bad.
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:00 pm
Nipple I couldn't do either. But at least if it damaged any nerves, I could take out the jewelry and still have another nipple. No WAY I'd chance never having another orgasm.

(Bear, could you leave the room for a minute....)

Okay, girls, ya know when you have an especially good night and you can still be a bit.... "tender" the next day? Do you want that all the time? How irritating would that be?
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:31 pm

On another thread you talk about spicing up a relationship. Is this piercing your idea or a notion of your boyfriend's? Does he have a job yet?
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:39 pm
I wonder if men find it sexy at all? Or rather, how many out of 10 would find it appealing? 2? 3? 1? I find it ever so slightly repulsive, but I'm a woman...and have nothing against it in principle (on others). i'd never go there myself, and i do have a tattoo and multiple ear piercings.

Honey rose, why do you want one?
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:52 pm
I'm guessing most men find it mostly icky.
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:56 pm
Lady Diane tells me she just finds that it might be something for the very young and stupid.
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:56 pm
very good point noddy.

I don't think someone just suddenly starts thinking about a piercing like that.

icky...yes, that's the word.

mmm hmmm re what diane said. seems like one of those things that will have regrets with a long shelf life.
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 05:09 pm
Reminds me of what an old friend, male, said about a certain woman we worked with, that she was hysteric. I didn't know what he meant then (this was a long time ago), did he mean funny? No, he meant she had a neurotic need to attract.

Not to say that of you, honey rose, but that that choice might have elements of need related to attracting others more than your own satisfaction with yourself as you are..
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Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:15 pm
On the contrary,
a clitoral piercing CAN heal and heal well .
Just like a bit of scar tissue, it can just be a little 'hard knot" in your skin.

I do not know what kind of piercings they have , I just know a few people who have had them done.

I have never thought of having it done myself, so I did not bother to ask about details, but I could if you would like.

The odds of losing sensation from the piercing alone is VERY high.
Losing sensation over time is guaranteed.
Just like the man who is circumsized , you lose sensation because everything rubs up against the skin causing it to get thicker.
You will never lose ALL feeling, but you will see a diffrence over the years. Anyone who says otherwise, does not know what they are talking about.
I know two people here in Austin who do piercings , and they both warn thier clients about that before they get it done.

Chances of infection are also very high in the first 4 weeks, and that can be truly painful.

From the people I have met, and what I hear from the people who do piercings, I would advise against it.
Only on the basis of losing sensation and the types of infections you can get. ( painful, longer lasting )
But on a whole, it isnt that bad of a piercing to have, but again.. I dont speak from experience.
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Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:23 am
Based on what you said shewolf, I see even less reason to get this piercing than before.

If the big attraction is increased sexual sensation, but it decreases over time, where's the sense in that?
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Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:43 am
Re: Clitoral Hood Piercings
honey_rose_cr wrote:
5. Do you think they're sexy?

Being a man, that's the only point I feel I can answer to. And my answer is "no". Clits by themselves are already as sexy as it gets. The're the very thing that guys are after. Compared to a plain, old-fashioned clit, a piercing on top of the clitoral hood is just a diversion. And why in the world would a guy, after you gave him access to your clit, want to be distracted from it by a piercing? It just doesn't make sense.
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 06:43 am
I don't have one, as it hasn't appealed to me. So I only have second hand talk.

I have one good friend who is a piercing fanatic. She's had this one.

She says it is the only one she regrets, and she took it out long ago. And to put it into perspective, she has her nipples done (and is not a small breasted woman, so that adds trouble, it's gotten infected quite a few times and yet she has persisted with those liking it).

I do think it's a bit more for the masochistic crowd, myself. Pulling on the piercing, being teased and having it tangle in your clothes - it can happen - the infections, the decrease in sensation over time.

Unless you are in your late 30's or over and really secure in who you are and know you want this; I'd say "At least wait."
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honey rose cr
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 07:48 am
Right. I haven't mentioned this to my boyfriend at all. In fact, my relation to him at the moment is...good? I'm not really bothered about him being my boyfriend, it's great that he is and he's become much more kinda romantic (for the moment) bringing me flowers, telling me icky romantic things he never would've said before ("When you're really into someone, they're beautiful to you all the time") wanting to spend time with me.

So, on that front, I'm feeling sexy, perfectly at comfort with myself and indifferent about my relationship status.

I just want to do something different, something I can keep a naughty secret. Have any of you ever walked around all day with Ben Wa balls in? It makes you feel SO hot, turned on, not so much from the sensations, but from knowing that they're inside you and no-one else knows.

This is a similar thing. I wanted to get my belly button pierced (some might recall I posted about that) but a lot of people have said it's quite an 'immature' piercing, one that all teenage girls have done. Belly buttons have a higher risk of infection and DEFINATELY don't heal as well as a clitoral hood piercing would.

Seen as the female genitals 'clean' themselves, the healing factor is better/quicker and the risk of infection lower.

I'm not a silly immature teenager who'd go around doing everything to impress her guy and get him interested in her. I can damn well do that without changing my body. I want to get this for ME. For the sensations it would bring ME, for the sense of 'individuality' and doing something interesting and daring. So stop talking as if I'm just trying to impress other people, I'm not like that in the slightest.

I'm asking if people find it sexy as a side-note, not a major point in my decision.

Also, I'm not just going to walk into some shitty little tattoo parlour and nip straight onto the table for a stoned up teen with little experience stick a needle in my hoo-ha. I know the girl in the closest piercing shop from previous trips there, she's very professional and very experienced. I'm planning on going there soon to discuss the piercing with her, see what she thinks, find out more about the process and see if I want HER to do it. (If I get it done).

Oh, by the way, my boyfriend does have a job now, yes. 9am til 5:30pm, mon-fri.

I don't think someone just suddenly starts thinking about a piercing like that.

Well for me it is. I've been thinking about getting a piercing for a while, this one just didn't occur to me until recently... I was going to get my tongue pierced, belly button, more piercings on my ears...

-Ears wouldn't suit me, tongue is bad for teeth and can paralyse you if it goes wrong, belly button gets easily infected and caught on things. Clitoral hood however, is more sexually related, brings more pleasure for me, gives me a little decoration down below, something unusual for me to do, heals quicker than belly button and for some people at least, is sexy.

There are plenty of people who decided it wasn't for them and took it out. It heals up better than a belly button piercing because of where it is (doesn't get as easily caught etc) with little to show…Whereas a belly button piercing, the hole can stay open indefinitely, it doesn't heal up as easily anyway and is in a more noticeable place. It'll be just me and my boyfriend (and the mother who refuses to give me bathroom privacy because it's HER house…) who'll see a clitoral hood piercing.

I want this for ME because it's adventurous, not to impress my boyfriend (who rarely gets impressed by anything like that anyway…).

The risk of getting instant loss of sensation is not that high. If the piercer slipped and hit a nerve in the clit or something, yes. But there's a low chance of that happening. Seriously.

Tongues are incredibly higher risk and plenty more people have those done, and for what? They don't give you more sexual sensations...

I'm sure that after a few years, yes the feelings would be reduced, personally I could find that great, seen as I am already incredibly sensitive...as in too sensitive to have a LOT of contact with clit, little contact fine.

I'm not really planning on keeping it in for an extended amount of time. Maybe a year or something. It's a case of wanting to try something new and something that could increase my chances of having an orgasm with my boyfriend. It'll lose it's novelty after a while and probably just get irritating, like my ears do sometimes, but for that intitial period it'll give me a 'thrill' to know it's there and for no-one else to, and some possibly new sensations.

I'm too used to getting myself off, that giving the boyfriend access to my clit doesn't have much of a point in the first place. The clit hood piercing will probably build up my sexual energy throughout the day and give me more energy to **** like bunnies all night long.

Apologise for the crude language, but I am seriously pissed off at all the suggestions that I'm doing this to 'impress' guys because I'm not happy with my appearance.

I like the sexiness that a Belly Button piercing can achieve with a crop top on a skinny girl, but that wouldn't suit me in the slightest. I'm a sexually orientated person (in a non-perverted way...eg I want to open my own 'sex shop' <<<) so clitoral hood would be like my belly button piercing; I can buy fancy jewellry but it'll be my little secret to reveal to whoever I wish.

I'd wish not to have the piercing pulled, frankly, though I can be a little sadomasochistic... There's less chance of it getting tangled in clothes than more obvious piercings, including the belly button. Seriously though, I'm not going to stop bathing and start wearing lacey panties for the piercing to get caught in! I work in a Pharmacy and therefore have cheap access to saline solution (cheaper than normal anyway) so I'd be buying a load of that and using that every day. A lot of people just leave it be, wash normally, because the vagina 'cleans' itself, as I may have mentioned...

It's NOT a high infection rate if you look after a piercing properly. It's NOT a high risk of permanently damaging your bits and pieces unless you go to a shoddy piercer who has no idea what they're doing and little experience. It's NOT as likely to get caught in clothing as belly button piercings (I figure that;s what I'm comparing to right now), panties are one bit of material where the piercing would be in the middle of it. Belly buttons sit right where the base of your t-shirt is going to rise and fall, and you pull on tops/jumpers and trousers can sit that high where the waistband'll rub.

I certainly agree that over an extended amount of time there WILL be a decrease in sensation (unless you're lucky) but I'm not planning on keeping it that long. Other than that, what's the difference from an ear piercing, which you'll expose to more bacteria (more in the air) and can't see as well to keep clean, plus you lie on it while you're sleeping...??
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