I get a little sick of mine always grabbin' for the Lysol can. Enough already, I say!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Few thoughts, Chai:
Foot binding in China. Little feet are pretty. They had the right notion, we should not allow our women to look like NFL linemen.
You looked up pictures on google? Apparently you did not see any pictures of women's piercings where they have cool little ornaments hanging from their junk. Doesn't get much hotter than that. Especially when it's paired with clear high heels and dollar bills protruding from her thong.
Vaginas are self-cleaning. However, some women do smell like the fish pier, no matter how much scrubbing with a brillo pad and rubbing alcohol they do.
Well, the Slappinator has weighed in.
Now we're ALL going to have to get pierced.
Cypher....somehow, I feel compelled to somehow connect Jodie Foster with this clitoral hood piercing thing.
I can just see her now, eyes blazing, jaw clenched, with a vertical bar hanging from her....what was it Slappy called it?....ah yes....junk.
Chai wrote: After this thread started, I went around and looked on google at some pictures, and how it's done, and other info, and it did nothing to change my mind. In fact, and again this is just me
.I think it looked very barbaric, both for men and women. It's like, haven't we come far enough as a human race that we don't want to stick pieces on metal in our genitals?
Why would genitals be different from any other body part?
I expect there's some culture somewhere that considers sticking metal through earlobes to be barbaric.
It doesn't much matter to me what someone decides to do with their own body, so long as they're only deciding for themselves.
I wonder what a bar bell would look like.....
DrewDad wrote:Why would genitals be different from any other body part?
I expect there's some culture somewhere that considers sticking metal through earlobes to be barbaric.
I agree. Moreover, if any members of that culture participate on A2K, I expect they will articulate this opinion when somebody asks for opinions about earrings. In response to this, other A2Kers will jump at their throats for being so judgmental. Never mind that the first A2K member had been asking for a judgment.
shewolfnm wrote:I wonder what a bar bell would look like.....
Haven't you ever seen Cheers?
Thomas, I agree with what you say about culture, however, the intial poster doesn't live in a culture where pierced ears are considered not normal.
DD - Why the genital area and not the ear lobe?
Well, again, just for me...
Part of it is that I instinctually protect my genitals. If I was in physical danger, I would much rather loose my earlobe than my labia and other associated junk.
Why would I protect my genitals more than my earlobes you may ask?
#1 It's a much more sensitive area to pain.
#2 Although the earlobe is near the brain, there is a hard skull between a tag of skin and a potential lobotomy. We rely on this helmet of bone to protect Central Control. Conversely, my genitals are near an open pelvis, where all sorts of necessary stuff can be accessed through the openings of the pelvic girdle. I might end up with a nasty head wound if my earlobe was slashed off, but my brain would be intact, if only cutting were involved. Down there, I could have my intestines, stomach, tendons, and all my reproductive organs damaged. I'm fairly certain you'd rather have your earlobe attacked than your scrotum, for the same reasons.
Am I comparing this specific genital piercing to major damage inflicted by a knife wielding crazy person? No
but you asked me why my genitals would be different from another body part, like a totally optional ear lobe.
My opinion is biased, since both my scrotum and foreskin are pierced, and I wear a chain connecting the two.
Damn you guys are jealous.
god, right about now is when I wish we could post some pictures.
I'll tell you what, I had quite an education last night learning all the names of various male piercings...I thought I was all cosmopolitan knowing what a Prince Albert was.
The words were all in an unfamiliar language or something. I think they should have been given names we could all understand, like the Commodore Nelson and the Prince of Tides.
Chai wrote:Thomas, I agree with what you say about culture, however, the intial poster doesn't live in a culture where pierced ears are considered not normal.
Thanks for agreeing with me on a question of sexual mores for a change.

But from the second part of your sentence, it appears that it's DrewDads's point about pierced ears you're agreeing with, not mine. I just quoted it.
Chai wrote:god, right about now is when I wish we could post some pictures.
Well, this is an American puritan website, but I give you the
Francis wrote:Chai wrote:god, right about now is when I wish we could post some pictures.
Well, this is an American puritan website, but I give you the
oh believe me, I already got an eyeful last night.
Strangely, the sight of hardware thrust through a mans perinium and nutsack did nothing to arouse me.
Not surprisingly.
Looking at this stuff on otherwise nice "junk" just turns me off...
What is wrong with you people?
Gargamel wrote:What is wrong with you people?
They're not related to magpies.
Francis thank god for pheremones -
Chai wrote:Strangely, the sight of hardware thrust through a mans perinium and nutsack did nothing to arouse me.
Between male and female piercings there is a vas deferens.