Clitoral Hood Piercings

Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 04:23 pm
I don't think I'll ever get tired of the vas deferens joke.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 04:57 pm
Chai wrote:
Cypher....somehow, I feel compelled to somehow connect Jodie Foster with this clitoral hood piercing thing.

I can just see her now, eyes blazing, jaw clenched, with a vertical bar hanging from her....what was it Slappy called it?....ah yes....junk.

Fighting back alone against all odds! Determined to track down the evil-doer who botched her piercing!

....Get Jodie's agent on the phone, baby, this is gold....
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 05:12 pm
Gee, I'm over here thinking about Chevrolet hood fun...
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 06:46 pm
Francis - You have scarred my mind forever with those links.

I know. I really should have known better than to click.

I really don't get the reasoning behind doing that to ones body.
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 06:48 pm
cyphercat wrote:
Chai wrote:
Cypher....somehow, I feel compelled to somehow connect Jodie Foster with this clitoral hood piercing thing.

I can just see her now, eyes blazing, jaw clenched, with a vertical bar hanging from her....what was it Slappy called it?....ah yes....junk.

Fighting back alone against all odds! Determined to track down the evil-doer who botched her piercing!

....Get Jodie's agent on the phone, baby, this is gold....

This should be easy to tie in with Hannibal Lector. After having escaped to some island at the end of Silence of the Lambs, he took up genital piercing as a cover job.

He didn't botch Clarice's hood job, it's a code....yes, an evil fiendish code that Ms. Starling must figure out.
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 06:56 pm

Clarice finally looked at the damn thing with a mirror, giving it the vantage point of being upside down. In that position, there's no mistaking that the clitoral jewelry is the stem of a chalice, thus making Clarices whoopsy-dooodle a fecund cup....The....Holy....Grail.....!!!

Hannibal is trying to tell Agent Starling the she is a direct descendant of Mary Magdalene.

But....who could have been the father of the Magdalene's child?
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 11:12 am

MA and I knew a couple once that the middle name of their kid was Chevrolet. Wonder if he was a result of Chevrolet hood fun?

Inquiring minds inquire.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 11:58 am
Gargamel wrote:
My opinion is biased, since both my scrotum and foreskin are pierced, and I wear a chain connecting the two.

Damn you guys are jealous.

to be a 'chain' you need more then one link dear...
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honey rose cr
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:04 pm
I haven't come to a decision yet. I didn't want anyone to come and disagree to my post... I wanted opinions, not judgement, as whoever it was said. But here I am, ALL of you telling me that I'm doing this to satisfy some kind of self-image problem or need of attention or some such ****.

Have you tried all the cool vibrators and toys yet?

Yeah, I'm not so much of vibrator person myself, and I have a very nice glass dildo that I'm quite happy with thanks. This is a completely different thing, it's not sexual satisfaction as such (though part of the pros of getting it would amount to this) it's getting something DIFFERENT.

do it. its hot. its like an extra thing to play with.

Actually Chai, I was very angry that you're all judging me and bringing up a slightly sarcastic point that it might suit me to have a decrease in sensation after a period of time.

As I say, I haven't made a decision yet. I was just wondering what y'all thought on them, but frankly it seems I've attracted only those more 'mature' individuals who want to tell me I'm a silly little girl with this thread.

I haven't contradicted myself in the slightest. I may have brought up several arguements as to why I'd get the piercing done, then others as to why I might not. That is because I'm still making a decision. I didn't come on here to go "Hey! Shall I get this piercing? I know I already want to...and I'm going to despite what you have to say."

go all the way, get a BIG piercing and put in The Club. One of these days you'll be getting married and you'll be prepared for when you lock that pu**y up

What in the name of all....?? Shocked

Oh I'd love to get caught by someone at an airport metal detector for that... What a thrill.. No seriously, the idea actually turns me on.

DrewDad wrote:
Chai wrote:
God....That would remind me of female circumsion. You know, mutilating a woman's genitals?

OK, this just seems over the top to me....

A woman, deciding of her own volition, to have an ornament placed on her genitals, in the hopes of hightened sexual pleasure, reminds you of a woman forced, against her will, to have the clitoris removed, in order to control her sexual activity and sexual pleasure?


Thank you. I seriously think a load of you are going WAY over the top with this. Have any of YOU actually got this piercing? I'd much prefer people who are going to offer calm words of advice and opinion plus those who HAVE the piercings to reply. Most of you seem like you've got very strong opinions on young people of my age group/sex already, which seems to be making you categorise me and judge me.

Like I'm some immature girly that goes around wearing incredibly short skirts and flaunting myself for attention. You don't know me. I'm not asking for an opinion on my personality, I'm asking for FACTS and OPINIONs on the PIERCING. Not ME getting it. The actual piercing and whether GENERALLY you think it's hot etc.

Do a load of YOU want to go back and read YOUR posts and see how OTT you have been and how inappropriately judgemental?

This whole thread, from being a calm, indifferent enquiry as to your opinions on an idea, has upset me. From the way you suggested I have problems with my self image to the way you honestly assumed I'd get this done to impress someone else!!!


Oh they're self cleaning alright. It's your body's natural way to keep infections at bay. If I remember rightly, we haven't always had nice fragrant soaps to keep our fannies clean. Laughing

Ummm, also a point. Seen as the belly button is more likely to get a really bad infection, that can damage your reproductive organs...generally it's higher risk of damaging the bits you need inside with a belly button piercing...

you have a boyfriend, but have not mentioned this to him, but you speak in great detail about it here with people you don't even know. You ask us if we think it's sexy, and we've said no. But you haven't asked the bf apparantly.

I have now. I let ideas bubble in my head for a while, ask what people who I don't know personally think (with the hope they won't take my personality into count Rolling Eyes ) and then pass it on if I'm still interested.

I hadn't seen the boyfriend for a while, nor had much time to talk about this topic, since I wanted to talk face to face, but now I have and he's okay about it, but not sure. I'm going to show him some piccies etc to see what else he says, because I'm still interested in getting it. Maybe not imminently, but soon.

I don't believe people just tell private stuff on line, but don't tell anyone else ever in real life.

All my friends are guys. If I were to discuss matters such as this with them it would probably be taken as getting a bit too intimate with them. Online I can chat to people openly without them judging me (you would've thought) since they don't know my personality already, they have no emotional attachment and there are more likely to be people with the experience I need to find out more from people's personal opinions and first hand experiences. I have no-one IRL that has this experience, and hoped there'd be people out there who did and could offer useful information.

We've told you what we think, you don't agree.

WE? I'm afraid you can't speak for everyone on here, as proven by the few replies from people who have given me support or at least helpful opinions. I don't mean to start a long-lasting arguement and I'm not making a personal dig, but seriously, you seem to think that you have such a strong opinion on this that everyone is following. I'm certain I'll get some disagreement on that point, but that's how it seems to me. YOU'VE been the only one seriously making personal attacks on me and I don't see why that's necessary. It hasn't helped me make a decision, if anything it's upset me.

I'v probably missed something, I'm in a bit of a rush now. But I really don't understand why you've had to get so personal when I was just looking for some first hand advice and opinions.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:07 pm
honey_rose_cr wrote:
But here I am, ALL of you telling me that I'm doing this to satisfy some kind of self-image problem or need of attention or some such ****.

No, not all of us.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:09 pm
Im sorry.
I hope my posts/answers did not seem or sound judgemental to you.
I was only answering your questions as best I could, and said that I would 'advise' against it based only on the people I know who have had this done.
In my opinion alone, it seems that 90% of them are not happy with what they have done, and did not like it .

I was not trying to tell you not to do it, or judge you for the idea.
If it sounded so, I do apologize
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:11 pm
yeah, I didn't mean to say icky.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:35 pm
All I can say is ouch!! The pain! Shocked
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:55 pm
honey_rose_cr wrote:
Actually Chai, I was very angry that you're all judging me and bringing up a slightly sarcastic point that it might suit me to have a decrease in sensation after a period of time.

I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

I was seriously asking why you would get a piercing if you're already too sensitive there.

It was you that said the thing about becoming less sensitve, not me.

You still didn't answer.

Personally, this thread went beyond the realm the serious long ago, but I think you just like the attention.

Like I said before, go do it. Don't do it. Who cares?

You asked for opinions, they were given. You asked questions, they were answered.

What else do you want, a group hug?

Now I'm bored.

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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:12 pm
i was curious to see if some men see it attractive. i mean, obviously some must, since more and more men and women get these piercings... i was just curious to hear whether OUR a2k men, the cross-section of "normal" (i can dream) menfolk would find it sexy. and some seem to. who wouldda thunk.

looking at those pictures, some looked painful, others looked really mostly ornamental. some even looked good. like the zipper pull tab one, that one was kinda funny and funky.

i doubt that metal detector would detect a piercing. it's not iron. it's probably silver and they don't pick that up. do they?
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:16 pm
As I say, I haven't made a decision yet. I was just wondering what y'all thought on them, but frankly it seems I've attracted only those more 'mature' individuals who want to tell me I'm a silly little girl with this thread.

I think a lot of people did just that, told you what they thought on them. Sorry I haven't given you my thoughts. I'm still shuddering at the thought.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:22 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
i doubt that metal detector would detect a piercing. it's not iron. it's probably silver and they don't pick that up. do they?

Seriously? OK. While metal detectors do detect all metals and not just iron, a vaginal piercing is probably too small to set it off. In my experience flying around, they react to objects the size of watches, coins, belt buckles, and suspender buckles. They don't react to the zippers of ones pants alone. And since zippers contain more metal than a clitoral hood piercing would, the piercings should be safe.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:25 pm
Seriously. I never studied or was concerned about what metal detectors would pick up Laughing

I know they don't pick up my earrings. Or at least those hand held things that look like magnifying glass don't.
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 01:35 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
Seriously. I never studied or was concerned about what metal detectors would pick up Laughing

I have to admit it; as a physicist, I definitely have the better excuse for studying those things. Wink
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honey rose cr
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:46 pm
Chai wrote:
honey_rose_cr wrote:
Actually Chai, I was very angry that you're all judging me and bringing up a slightly sarcastic point that it might suit me to have a decrease in sensation after a period of time.

I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

I was seriously asking why you would get a piercing if you're already too sensitive there.

It was you that said the thing about becoming less sensitve, not me.

You still didn't answer.

Personally, this thread went beyond the realm the serious long ago, but I think you just like the attention.

Like I said before, go do it. Don't do it. Who cares?

You asked for opinions, they were given. You asked questions, they were answered.

What else do you want, a group hug?

Now I'm bored.


No deary, I was being sarcastic. And I do not like this attention, I find your attitude to be utterly pointless and seemingly over-the-top in an attempt to score points. What was I meant to be answering?

P.S It certainly wasn't me that 'took it beyond the realm of serious'. It's been mainly you that has taken everything out of proportion, changed the objective of my thread from asking for a little opinion and a few examples of first hand experiences to having a major dig at me! You're still telling me I'm an attention seeker! You don't even know me.

martybarker wrote:

I think a lot of people did just that, told you what they thought on them. Sorry I haven't given you my thoughts. I'm still shuddering at the thought.

It wasn't the kind of feedback I was looking for personally. I wanted more factual, first point experience, not for everyone to start judging me and figuring that they of course knew WHY I was getting it. Who cares WHY I'm getting it really? I just wanted to know people's experiences and what they thought about the actual piercing, not my reasons for wanting one.

Yeah, metal detectors wouldn't pick up such a small amount of metal, a small bag of euros however... *twitches*

Anyway, that's it. End of. Please no-one else reply, I'm getting much more helpful feedback from another site I'm on.

Thanks to shewolf etc for your more helpful replies. I really am grateful. I'm not going to go out and get it done instantly, thus why I was asking for some opinions first. So thanks for the feedback. Smile

Gargamel wrote:
My opinion is biased, since both my scrotum and foreskin are pierced, and I wear a chain connecting the two.

Damn you guys are jealous.

Hehe, that made me smile. Thank you. Very Happy

P.S I find it hard to get stuff out of my head and into words, so that's possibly why my replies seemed contradictory...and longwinded... Sorry for that.
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