Basically, think about it like this; you spend a whole evening girly-ing it up. Scented Bath, Face Mask, Pluck Your Eyebrows, Shave Your 'down below' hair, straighten your (head) hair etc. You shave your legs, underarms, put some new sexy underwear on.
Who's going to know?...
...If you go out after doing all this? YOU. And it makes you feel damn sexy. It makes you more confident because YOU know YOU'VE done all this nice stuff and it's made you feel clean, pretty and sexy... No-one else'll notice the stuff you've done, just the change in posture, smile and attitude that comes with feeling sexy.
Having a clitoral piercing, because you know it's in a naughty place and no-one else knows about it; it makes you feel sexy. It won't neccessarily be the actual piercing that people see.. It'll be YOU gleaming, happy, confident.
so you've made up your mind. what were you asking for anyway.
do it.
who cares?
next case......
Chai wrote:so you've made up your mind. what were you asking for anyway.
do it.
who cares?
next case......
It seems like maybe she wanted a discussion instead of a judgement. At least it appears she's come to a conclusion.
1. Are they painful?
2. Are they easily caught?
3. Can they cause lasting damage?
4. Any other health risks associate specifically with this type of piercing?
5. Do you think they're sexy?
6. And worth it?
she asked all of the above in her inital post, and got answers from people on each one.
she came to a conclusion, so great. she accomplished her pupose.
If you do go ahead and do it, will you fill us in on how it is working for you?
It's your body. No one here is challenging it.
I do find some of your reasons a bit hmm, how to say it? Kinda like you are wanting to rebel?
It's whatever you want to do, obviously. BUT, it's good to think of the worse-case scenarios when you go ahead and do something like this. Because that "unlucky" person might be you.
So how much would it suck if that happened, compared to how much it is going to excite you and possibly rock your world and distinguish you -- that one is kinda a "huh" thing to me, as is it the type of distinguishing that you really want at the end of the day? type of thing, to have 'rarer' piercings or whatever - - but anyhoo...
Have you tried all the cool vibrators and toys yet? No, I'm not trying to tease you.
I'm being serious.
There may be other options to try first before jumping into this particular territory.
To at least, y know, enjoy the ride of how strong a step a hood piercing actually is...
so many fun toys. And there's no scars if you take them out! :wink:
do it. its hot. its like an extra thing to play with.
There's a thing or two about what you say that aren't making any sense to me.
You say you would or might welcome the loss of sensation since you are too sensitive there anyway.
So, why would you put an object there that will be rubbing, maybe all the time? I mean, you say you hope it would build up excitment during the day, So I would assume you'd want it to be rubbing.
So, are you hoping to put up with the discomfort/pain for who knows how long for the possibility of decreased sensation in the future?
How do you know the normal aging process won't decrease the sensitivity by itself?
I'm not going to go back and read through your posts, but there were other times that you would bring something up, only to abandon it later, and even say something different at another time.
Also, and this is strictly my impression of the whole thing, based on your statements...
you have a boyfriend, but have not mentioned this to him, but you speak in great detail about it here with people you don't even know. You ask us if we think it's sexy, and we've said no. But you haven't asked the bf apparantly.
From what I can see, you think it's sexy, so I'm not sure why you want to know what we think. We've told you what we think, you don't agree.
You speak of the fact that other people won't know you have this piercing, but it'll make you feel attractive. Based on your easiness of sharing here, I'd think more than one or two people in real life will be told about it too. I don't believe people just tell private stuff on line, but don't tell anyone else ever in real life.
You seem to be going through a period in your life where sex and sex appeal is very important to you. If your sex drive is causing you to want to get a clitoral hood piercing, that's what it's going to want you to do.
You started this thread knowing it was going to cause deagreement with your idea, and differing opinions. Based on the way you flit from point to point, at time contradicting yourself, I really don't think you have a firm idea of what you want to do.
That being the case, wait for a month and reread this thread. At that point you may be in the place where this idea of piercing is a thing of the past.
I'm not saying any of this in a judgemental way, as I have no interest in what you do with your body. The above was based on my observations. You are like a butterfly, jumping from flower to flower.
you do not want that. chances of getting infected and pulled... OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go all the way, get a BIG piercing and put in The Club. One of these days you'll be getting married and you'll be prepared for when you lock that pu**y up. :wink:
honey_rose_cr wrote:Other than that, what's the difference from an ear piercing, which you'll expose to more bacteria (more in the air) and can't see as well to keep clean, plus you lie on it while you're sleeping...??
I would imagine that ear piercings are much less of a hazzle to walk with through an airport's metal detector. (You asked!) But as Chai said, your mind seems to be made up, so who cares what we say to you? Go ahead, pierce it already!
OMG - the airport metal detector!!
Thomas, you made my day.
Chai wrote:God....That would remind me of female circumsion. You know, mutilating a woman's genitals?
OK, this just seems over the top to me....
A woman, deciding of her own volition, to have an ornament placed on her genitals, in the hopes of hightened sexual pleasure, reminds you of a woman forced, against her will, to have the clitoris removed, in order to control her sexual activity and sexual pleasure?
No decision should be made until Slappy Doo Hoo posts his opinion.
Re: Clitoral Hood Piercings
Thomas wrote:Compared to a plain, old-fashioned clit, a piercing on top of the clitoral hood is just a diversion. And why in the world would a guy, after you gave him access to your clit, want to be distracted from it by a piercing? It just doesn't make sense.
Had to highlight this. Love it.
It's like a man's nipples
here we go...
those pieces of metal end up taken out right quick anyways
getting in the way of human flesh on flesh contact!
Nothing sexier than a simple naked body, to me.
And I think they have little vibes you can wear all day, anyways.

Tiny little things that don't make any sound.
But to each their own.
Go for it.
It's dirty.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. This world needs as many dirty girls as possible.
So, eh, Honey_Rose: how YOU doin', darlin?
someone wants to get a piercing, and they get torn apart.
Im sort of shocked...
Few thoughts, Chai:
Foot binding in China. Little feet are pretty. They had the right notion, we should not allow our women to look like NFL linemen.
You looked up pictures on google? Apparently you did not see any pictures of women's piercings where they have cool little ornaments hanging from their junk. Doesn't get much hotter than that. Especially when it's paired with clear high heels and dollar bills protruding from her thong.
Vaginas are self-cleaning. However, some women do smell like the fish pier, no matter how much scrubbing with a brillo pad and rubbing alcohol they do.
I dunno...she asked if we thought they were sexy and worth it.
again, I don't care what she personally does.
That's ancient history.
She asked if we thought it was, I think it looks barbaric.
She asked if we thought it was worth it....again, no.
I never said she shouldn't get one, but she asked questions, and for opinions.
Don't ask a question if you don't want the answer.
You own one, and didnt even know it came with its own maid???
(shaking head)
you are
SO behind on the times lady..