Mame wrote:
Yeah, how about that woman with the child who was eaten by the dingo. I can't remember all the details or even what the result was, but there's a similar case of international attention and judging.
Msolga and I have already talked about what appear to be similarities in the two cases (without having a clue what has happened in the current case, I cannot comment on whether there IS similarity.)
Lindy Chamberlain ("that woman") was "cleared" (the level of hysterical rumour and innuendo against her was such that the coroner publicly broadcast his judgment) of involvement in her daughter's death at a coronial inquest after the death.
The Northern Territory police had become convinced she had killed the baby (Azaria) and pursued the case.
She was later convicted of murder, and her husband of being an accessory after the fact.
Much of the case was based on stunningly inept forensic evidence....
For example, the forensic scientiest, Joy Kuhl as I recall, testified that there was blood, containing traces of foetal blood (foetal blood apparently gradually is replaced after birth, but is normally still present in a baby of Azaria's age), including an "arterial spray," was present in the front left seat well of the Chamberlain's car.
This material turned out to be spillage of a liquid sound deadener, similar patterns of which were found to be present in large numbers of other cars of that make and model.
Chamberlain was released after various people contested the claims made by the forensic people, as well as other pieces of evidence, but this was on was kind of a way of the Territory government releasing her without admitting any fault in their case.
Later, the baby's matinee jacket was found near Uluru...presumably dropped by the dingo.
Eventually, Lindy was cleared.
Many people still believe she is some kind of evil force, and that she is guilty. The atmosphere around this case was truly Salem was as though some strange fever gripped many people, including police and media.
A large part of this reaction was engendered by Lindy's apparent calm in front of the media, and when pursued by police. It just wasn't "natural."