msolga wrote:Not long ago I read a newspaper report suggesting that the maid (employed by the family?) was now a "person of interest" to the Portugese police in this case. I can't find that article now, sorry.
But really, who'll be the next suspect? How many suspects will there end up being?
Surely the focus of the investigations should be to try & find this little girl, not all these very public declarations of "suspicions" of different individuals?
absolutely. The parents had the right to expect the PJ to be interested in finding their daughter. What they soon realised, and what most people are now just beginning to realise, is that the PJ had an entirely different agenda from the outset.
(The latest suggestion from Portugal is that Madeleine got out of bed and fell down stairs, inferring the McCanns must have found her and disposed of the body. Another pathetic attempt to smear the grieving family. Its disgraceful)
Btw is the PJ policeman now pulled off the case, the same man who beat a "confession" out of a Portuguese woman who reported her daughter missing not long ago?