FreeDuck wrote:I've never heard of a case where the two parents conspired to cover up such a thing.
I know you never heard of such a case, you said that - but by your own admission you were going only on the previous stories you heard about in the media, and I dont think that's a sample thats representative of anything.
Meanwhile, when you wrote that "Children being abducted from their beds, though, feels fairly common -- Jessica Lundsford, Polly Klaas, Elizabeth Smart -- and none of them turned out to have been murdered by their parents," Walter commented:
Quote:I suppose that's just because those stories are on the frontpages.
My experience in a normal, more rural, quite small court district as a social worker for the court and for the prosecution office, in a high security prison as well as probation officer is different.
I'd rather go with his experience than with a review of past headlines.
Moreover, when you then asked him, "How many parents kill their children and then launch an elaborate scheme to hide the body and then claim abduction to cover it up?", he reiterated:
Quote:I know just from the media (and litterature) - we had had about half a dozen of such ... [..] I've "met" about a dozen of such persons personally - in prison and as probation officer.
Again, we're all only speculating here, but when it comes to assessing what the chances of one or the other are, that experience sounds more substantive to me than simply what one remembers from past headlines, and seems more in line with the statistics.
I realise that once more, you then followed up to Walter by detailing yet more specifics of this case and insisting whether any of the cases he'd come upon met all of those, too, but come on - at some point, every crime is unique, yes, especially such a high-profile one as this. That sounded to me a little too much like narrowing the question ever more just because you didnt like the answer you were getting.
The basic given is this - just like there have indeed been cases where a child was snatched from nearby by a total stranger, there are also parents who kill their children - and even launch elaborate schemes to claim abduction as cover-up. More than you might think or want to know.
I think the clue to much of the reaction was in a Daily Mail column quoted in the NYT: Allison Pearson wrote, "The deed the McCanns are accused of would have required such black, cold-hearted evil that I refuse to believe they are guilty unless overwhelming evidence is uncovered." Indeed. It is to horrible to contemplate, so we are tempted to believe it could not possibly be so - but unfortunately patterns in child murder show otherwise.