Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2012 04:59 am

You gave her so much love, support and what ever you didn't know, you didn't.

She knows of all the love in the World that you had for her, have for her.

Believe that.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2012 11:20 pm
Thank you and I am okay about my Dad's death, I am not okay about my sister's death. It has been a little over a month since she died and life is so hard.

Writing about my dad helped me get through the grief so I hope it helps me get through her death too.
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2012 06:34 am
trying2learn wrote:
Thank you and I am okay about my Dad's death, I am not okay about my sister's death.
It has been a little over a month since she died and life is so hard.

Writing about my dad helped me get through the grief so I hope it helps me get through her death too.
Permit me to offer this link,
as a source of factual comfort:
This website is by and for people who have experienced death and returned from it.
I hope that u will like it.

So-called "death" is only molting.

Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 11:33 am
I don't understand why you want me to read that article. I've never had a near death experience at least not by that definition.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 11:47 am
trying2learn wrote:
I don't understand why you want me to read that article.
I've never had a near death experience at least not by that definition.
The reason that I referred u to that website
is that I hoped that it 'd comfort u,
in assuring u that the existence of your father and of your sister
continues, regardless of the fact that u do not have access
to them for a while.

I was hoping that woud make u feel better.
I feel better in knowing that the existence of my mother was not extinguished,
nor will my own existence be wiped out, when my human body wears out.

I have been re-assured of this by my out-of-body experiences,
when my consciousness went outside of my human body,
leaving him active on-the-job in court, or eating in a restaurant
(in my personal case).

I was trying to give u better peace of mind.

Did it do any good ?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 11:49 am
I believe I did what I could to make her life happy. I'm just sad that it wasn't enough.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 12:20 pm
trying2learn wrote:
I don't understand why you want me to read that article.
I've never had a near death experience at least not by that definition.
Lemme add 1 thing to my last reply:
Your screename is TRYING2LEARN.

I offered u that website in an effort to assist u
in what u were trying to DO.

I hope that it will succeed n u will like it. Lemme know.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 12:38 pm
Keep on writing.

It does seem like it was a good way for you to work things through.

A month isn't a long time.

Maybe in a while you'll be able to write about some of the fun memories of your sister - we'll wait for them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 01:45 pm
I did not know before today about your sister. I am deeply sorry it had to happen. My condolences.
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2012 02:34 pm
I echo that. Sorry to read about that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Aug, 2012 07:49 am
David thank you and no it didn't help. I miss her so much. Doris was not only my sister, she was my best friend.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Sep, 2012 06:10 pm
I cry every day and I am so tired. All I want is my sister back. Never will I be there when someone I care about dies. I can't do it again. My sister was such a nice person and I miss her. She didn't want to die and she counted on me to help her. I did what I could and it wasn't enough.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Sep, 2012 06:25 pm
My sister asked me not to forget her and I told her I would never forget her. I found out yesterday the funeral home forgot her. She was suppose to have a head stone and they forgot to order it. I believe in fate and the day she died, if it wasn't for my husband I would have died. I wish he didn't find me
Reply Sat 22 Sep, 2012 10:28 pm
Even though I was sick, AJ, Pam, Roy & Revonda were nice enough to let me bring his wally back to the motorhome.

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0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 02:08 am
Hey honey. Maybe your sister "knew" that they would forget that and that is why she doubled that comment. You know how close you were, never think for one moment she would think you would forget her. If you believe in fate, then believe she knew they would forget and was letting you know because you would find out and she knows how hurt you are... OK.
Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:08 am
Stop sending me private messages, TTH, you loon. I never come into your threads, and only came into this one to get your attention. I don't talk to you at all, and haven't done in at least months, if not actually years. I have no idea what paranoid fantasy leads you to claim i'm harrassing you, but it is a fantasy. It has absolutely no basis in reality. Maybe i should put you on ignore to see if that will stop you from sending me private messages.
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 06:08 pm
How dare you? I sent you nothing!!!! I never accused you of anything. I don't know what you writing about. Leave me alone. I will gladly give you my email or isp. Again leave me alone.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 06:17 pm
My dad died and then my sister, why in the hell would I send you a private message? You are a mean person. I hope you are happy because I will NEVER log into this site again. You remind me of someone who would kick a dog when it is down.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 03:03 am
What did you do, come along to vote up your own posts?

Time and date stamp 22 September, 7:14 p.m.:

trying2learn wrote:
I know you don't like me but my feelings are true. The death of my sister has devastated me.Can you please cut me some slack?

Time and date stamp 22 September, 9:57 p.m.:

trying2learn wrote:
You never liked me and it is okay, It is not okay that my sister died.All I asked for was give me a break.

You need to stop being such a drama queen and get some professional help. I posted in this thread so that there would be a public record of the unwarranted harrassment you were carrying out.
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 03:14 am
Setanta wrote:

Stop sending me private messages, TTH, you loon.
I never come into your threads, and only came into this one to get your attention. I don't talk to you at all, and haven't done in at least months, if not actually years. I have no idea what paranoid fantasy leads you to claim i'm harrassing you, but it is a fantasy. It has absolutely no basis in reality. Maybe i should put you on ignore to see if that will stop you from sending me private messages.
Is there confusion here,
between T T H and Trying2Learn ?

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