Wed 18 Mar, 2020 07:22 am - Dems and deep staters cannot be happy about this...
Sort of an extreme case of an elephant in room type problem, large numbers of people figuring it out... (view)
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 05:52 am - Polls indicate that if the November election were held right now, Donald Trump would take half the black vote while twenty percent is viewed as fatal to the demmunist party.
That could not... (view)
Tue 17 Mar, 2020 08:45 am - Slavery is supposed to be illegal in the United States. Particularly in the case of student loans, something has to happen here but I don't see limiting the something to student loans. What... (view)
Mon 16 Mar, 2020 10:57 pm - Then again, there is always the option for running AOC for president....
[img][/img] (view)
Mon 16 Mar, 2020 10:53 pm - Anybody here other than me trying to keep up with the saga of the Hildabeast?? Evidence indicates she may actually be going down prior to November:
IF that were... (view)
Mon 16 Mar, 2020 04:16 pm -
[quote]"The first duty of any senator from Delaware is to do the bidding of the banks and large corporations which use the tiny state as... (view)