Wed 22 Apr, 2020 06:20 am - [quote="eurocelticyankee"]
It all depends on how you measure quality doesn't it.
Being a Trump supporter you probably don't get that.
To me arrogance, ignorance, hatred,... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 06:08 am - [quote="Setanta"]
Ah-hahahahahahahahahahaha . . .
It's a legend in its own mind.
You know where to find me Mr Know It All. (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 06:02 am - [quote="eurocelticyankee"]
You're right i'm not in the deluded self righteous league.
I insist upon quality.
You dont bring it. (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:53 am - [quote="eurocelticyankee"]
[quote]The ignorant weak and shallow people of today tend to believe what they want to believe.[/quote]
You sound like one of those wacko preachers.... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:51 am - [quote="MontereyJack"]
the way you START massacres is having someone on site with a gun [color=#FF0000]with a desire to inflict pain on us[/color]. That's the basic flaw in your... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:48 am - [quote="blatham"]
You may have seen coverage of the Trump crowd going after Voice of America. Politico has a piece up now that's the best reporting I've seen on what's... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:42 am - [quote="jespah"]
I do believe that this gets filed under "What used to be 15 minutes of fame is now but a moment". (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:14 am - [quote="farmerman"]
We have about 100 lambs this year so we alternate on night duty in the paddock and barn. We now have a shit pot of coyotes and feral dogs that require... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 05:03 am - [quote="Setanta"]
Yeah, LBJ knew where all the bodies were buried. To his credit, he used that to get the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed.
Helping to... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 04:57 am - [quote="farmerman"]
s the sun was rising this AM, I spotted a young deer feasting on grass in one of our smaller pastures near the house. It saw me, and just ambled up to the metal fence... (view)