I was born a poor black child. I remember the days sitting on the porch with my family singing and dancing, down in Mississippi.
... I remember those days when I sang and danced with my family on the porch of the old house. But things change and with all the additions to the family we had to tear down the old house, even though we loved it. But we built us a bigger one. It was shortly afterwards that we moved back to Costa Rica, and I took up the trapeze full-time. It was an odd vocation, requiring many long, arduous hours of practice to perfect, but in the end it paid off, and I was able to survive a long career traveling around with the circus. But I had always wanted to sail the seas, and so I eventually ended up in Paris, looking for answers to questions that had been bothering me for quite some time. Years flew by me in a blur, and I decided one day to hop on a freighter back to Costa Rica, and take up the study of law. Bored with that, I took a train north to nowhere, and finally headed out west to grow up with the country. I'm retired from all that now, and enjoying my time relaxing, grimbribbing, playing Pickleball whenever I can, drinking my Green Label, and enjoying the quiet and serene desert living here in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.
My email: (my a2k username)
[email protected]