Tue 9 Jun, 2020 01:35 am - "They" are not interested in changing their mind...to old, to comfy, set in their own mental habits. It is expected and understandable. We all walk in some greater or lesser degree... (view)
Tue 9 Jun, 2020 01:20 am - Well he is not so far off but matters like these are never openly debated because society just doesn't allow it...expected.
What if I say to you that "Evil" is a necessary condition... (view)
Tue 2 Jun, 2020 03:08 pm - I don't believe in "evil" just ignorance, confusion, emotional imbalance...
Construction and destruction are algorithms at work in Cosmos that provide a sense of value in the... (view)
Sat 16 May, 2020 02:53 pm - More about dabbling with Set Theory and "God" Ontology (have fun):
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrHgHnrQLGw[/youtube] (view)
Wed 13 May, 2020 01:53 am - ...yes the argument taken to its last account destroys everything in its path, minds, free will, meaning...and of course the old saying there is no reason to Reason (Order, Ratio). It is!... (view)
Wed 13 May, 2020 12:45 am - Illusory perceptive states are real too, not artificial nor constructed, although I understand the need to use the metaphor. Mental states are existing states!
The last guy spoke of mental states... (view)