Mon 17 Feb, 2014 09:46 pm - [quote="neologist"]
[/quote]Do you think it's possible that you could be wrong, and God will not keep all his promises? (view)
Mon 17 Feb, 2014 04:01 pm - [quote="neologist"]
[quote="Pasture Timmy"]Will God keep all his promises?[/quote]So far, he bats 1000
[/quote]Are you uncertain that God will keep all his promises? (view)
Sun 16 Feb, 2014 05:28 pm - [quote="neologist"]
[quote="Jack of Hearts"]Yes, He has promises to keep.[/quote][quote="Pasture Timmy"]Will God keep all his promises?[/quote]Half of the promise in... (view)
Sun 16 Feb, 2014 10:31 am - [quote="Pasture Timmy"][quote="Jack of Hearts"]...if you hit the wrong key, which would start your response, your correction, whether manually or spell-chek; now, or in review,... (view)
Sun 16 Feb, 2014 10:28 am - [quote="neologist"][quote="Pasture Timmy"]My being a New-Age Christian Atheist, our beliefs are much alike, except that, in my religion, we don't even pretend to believe... (view)
Sat 15 Feb, 2014 10:01 pm - [quote="neologist"]
God has no more obligation to view our moral outcome than we may have to view the last page of the whodunnit.[/quote]
Does God have any obligations? (view)
Sat 15 Feb, 2014 09:55 pm - [quote="Romeo Fabulini"]
I'm happy to dance to the Jesus tune
My being a New-Age Christian Atheist, our beliefs are much alike, except that, in my religion, we don't... (view)
Sat 15 Feb, 2014 03:28 pm - [quote="Jack of Hearts"]...if you hit the wrong key, which would start your response, your correction, whether manually or spell-chek; now, or in review, may also be determinism - but the... (view)
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 04:19 pm - [quote="Romeo Fabulini"]Romeo Fabulini: he dances to nobody's tune![/quote]
Just like Jesus, you dance to God's tune.... (view)