By ethical decision not by origin.
I've never even been to Vega.
It is ~25 light years away, I wouldn't have been able to make it back here in time.
My interests are broad, but I take a particular fancy in ethical philosophy, philosophy of mind, number theory, and cats. Cats as objects of moral consideration and cats as the substrate of the internet.
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:47 pm - I participated in an interesting study showing that dialysis was effective in reducing ICP, primarily because it removes cytokines.
Screw mannitol ;) (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:34 pm - Immunology :D
You were way ahead of the curve.
That's one of the biggest frontiers now.
My phone is about to die.
1% battery. (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:27 pm - I come from a very "skilled" nursing background. Intensive care. All the bells and whistles. Intercranial pressure monitoring. Brain tissue oxigenization . Swan Ganz catheters. Blah Blah... (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:12 pm - Lab tech? Or pharmacy tech?
Thanks for the welcome back.
Been busy with a move and my girlfriend is opening a yoga studio. (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:03 pm - I was tech for 5 years.
And I was a good one (I think).
Techs are awesome. Doctors are awesome.
Nurses are not techs, not doctors.
One of the most critical roles of a nurse is the last line of... (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 09:01 pm - I guess my point more directly is this.
From a hiring manager's standpoint, skills are trainable.
Sound judgement and critical thinking are not very easily trainable.
Hiring a nurse is a... (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 08:43 pm - Is your impression of nursing that it is a collection of "skills"?
I could understand being very concerned if I were interviewing a nurse who expresses that sentiment.
If I want a... (view)
Sat 6 Apr, 2013 08:38 pm - It is not as common to use the word realized for concrete objects, but it is correct to use the word in such a way.
To "realize" something in that context is simply to make something... (view)