@Fil Albuquerque,
Truth is it's own...
If it is true that Truth is relative than it is not relative that Relativity is provisional. Truth is reborn like a Phoenix from the aches and unravels its own demise with more truth...
If it is true that Truth is absolute than any relative or subjective experience is an element on the chain of Truth itself which encompasses all but on itself means nothing.
About Truth there is one final thing to say, Illusions are true illusions!
Whatever you do or believe it is itself an expression of Being at some point of what is ultimate Truth! Truth doesn't care. It doesn't deny or assert anything. It IS!
It seams Truth on itself is meaningless and it seems true that all the meaning there is to be gotten is not worth any less. After all, the whole cannot be any less than itself, and the Meaning cannot ask for any more than what it is to be given.
Truth owns contingent Scepticism, it doesn't dissent from it. Truly understanding what that level of abstraction means is an entirely different matter!
There is no correspondence of assertions with facts, there are only facts, including the ignorance about most facts. Corresponding on a personal or collective level of experiencing may or may not point to some kind of provisional knowledge but Truth, capital Truth is in every corner of experience. But and most ironically it is there, especially when you doubt...doubting from doubt is not an option.