Mon 3 Oct, 2011 10:11 am - [quote="Fil Albuquerque"]
...when pretentiously mentioning a final set of all sets we are saying nothing at all...not that there is n´t a final set of all sets but simply that we... (view)
Sat 1 Oct, 2011 07:51 pm - What I'm not getting is the idea that a set isn't the the same thing as the total of its members. It's something else. The set of all moons of the planet earth isn't THE moon.... (view)
Thu 29 Sep, 2011 07:31 am - Hi guys! Hi Fil!
I've been looking at Set Theory... what the heck?
A is the set of all events. Is A a member of itself?
B is the set of all logical possibilities which don't... (view)
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 08:08 pm - You know the self of now isn't the same as the self of then. That knowledge is intellectual. It comes from an objectification of experience... accessing memory/imagination in which time is a... (view)
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 04:19 pm - [quote="Fil Albuquerque"]
"Self" is already a function between inter related agents Arj..."Thing" is also circumstantially functional given certain dynamics, and yet... (view)
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 01:51 pm - By "self" do you mean personal identity? That's a kind of object. It's a thing.
You spoke of a view of "self" becoming apparent. "Becoming apparent"... (view)
Tue 14 Dec, 2010 11:46 am - That's cool, thanks Fresco. (I'm coming in from left field, so overlook me if I'm talking at cross purposes.)
But what you said made me think of this: some people carry memories... (view)
Thu 25 Nov, 2010 10:48 pm - Some really smart person told me this:
"My vision of cause is not against locality itself, but against the idea that local causation excludes universal presence in loco, on the very nature... (view)
Thu 25 Nov, 2010 10:41 pm - Hi Dasein! I remember you... I don't know if you remember me... philforum.
Asking "who am I?" and experiencing the opposites overlapping is definitely a recipe for new ground.... (view)