ossobuco wrote: Casting a whole place as evil is interesting in itself, a kind of warding off that any of that lurks in the hearts of other than the pegged-for-evil. Such as Us, Everyman.
It's interesting that few can truly understand my feelings. Germany is not evil. I just don't want to have anything to do with the country. Sort of like no "absolution." That means, even as a country, with not a scintilla of evil, I want nothing to do with it nor its citizens.
Stated again, Germany is not evil! I just don't want to have anything to do with that country or its citizens (I'm repeating myself obviously), since there are other countries in the world that don't have a
recent history with the same agenda of European domination and enslavement/extermination of supposed inferior groups. Don't I have the right to feel more friendly towards other countries? What is the need to have me accept Germany today? Not wearing a Roman collar, I don't give absolution.
I think the object lesson I'm trying to send is: O.K. Germany, you're a nice country now. Even doing trade with Israel; even maintaining a Jewish community; even giving reparations to families of victims; even outlawing Nazi propaganda; however, there are other cultures in the world without the albatross of being the driving force of WWII's Final Solution. So, I'd rather not learn German, rather not visit Germany, rather not buy a Volkswagon. Just a personal choice.
The real question that was never asked in this thread (surprisingly) was, "What would it take for you, Foofie, to feel warmer feelings towards Germany today?"
The answer is simple, the same thing a Jew has to do to make others feel totally comfortable with himself/herself - assimilate. What am I saying? Silly as it sounds: Give a deadline where English becomes the official language of Germany. Drink ale, not beer. Start to enjoy bland British food. Protestants join the Anglican church.
Get it? That's right. Anglicize the country. Shed the old Teutonic culture. In effect, vaccinate the country against a relapse to gloryifying the old Teutonic Heros (at the expense of other groups) in some future economic inflation (like in the Weimar Republic).
Sounds silly, right? Sure it's silly, since Germany is not about to give up its language and culture. Why should they. It is loved by its people. And, in the same way, I can't give up my distaste for the Teutonic culture.
By the way, not wanting to be an ingrate, I do thank my grandparents for coming to the U.S. around 120 years ago. That was the smartest thing they ever did. And I do appreciate being an American. And I do thank America for giving my family a country like the U.S. to live in. And I do support the Administration in its goals in Iraq. And I do believe (even as an atheist) that if there is a god, the U.S. has a covenant with Him. And, if Jesus ever comes back, He'll come to the U.S. first. I believe Jesus is a Republican! God Bless America!