nimh wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:You're wrong. Most of the political Left won't touch it, because the majority of Americans don't want it.
This is straight-out wrong. A majority of Americans
does want stricter gun laws.
Polling Report.
Make sure to look at the long-running Gallup poll on the matter as well, which shows a consistent majority of 51-78% for "More strict [laws covering the sale of firearms]", compared to a minority of 17-38% that wants the laws to be "kept as now", and a tiny minority of 2-12% wanting "less strict" laws.
the silent majority is for stricter gun laws. But when casting their vote, the issue is just one out of many to most of these people, whereas the anti-gun control minority, as evidenced here as well, is passionate if not outright fanatic about the issue, and will throw any election the other way if a candidate dares to speak up about it.
Basically, America is kept hostage by people like cjhsa, on this issue.