I actually suggested it might be an argument for arming students sarcastically.
but then right on queue
Quote:According to gun rights activists such as Aaron Zelman of Jews For The Preservation of Firearms, VA Tech has "blood on its hands" for disarming the 21 victims who could potentially have defended themselves against the killer.
Just what sort of a country is the United States of America? Why would anyone want to live there?
NPR is doing live coverage, talking to witnesses, including students from classrooms where their teacher and classmates were shot. What unimaginable horror!
deadliest school shooting in american history. If anyone wants to proselytize about freedom to carry guns, today would be a very very bad day for that.
gah. I'm not surprised, steve. what they don't mention is that in 66% cases, the gun is used against its owner in cases of home intrusion, or defense. 66%. That's a lot.
How do you kill 31 people with bare hands? I'm only anti american in so far as there are too many incidents like this one which make me sick.
ditto. doesn't happen anywhere else in the same extent or fashion.
I briefly taught at VT when I was doing some mining work in the W Va area. I always liked the campus. However, since a long time ago, the campus security t VT was a joke. It consisted of a staff of part timers and , when I ws there, you could walk into chem stores without any concern , unless some teachers were around.
There will be much to answer for since there were two incidents . Many schools have gone to the "Badge necklace" and registration of visitors and an alert campus security that rivals many police forces. The University of Delaware has even gone to plainclothes cops who mingle with the students.
How you going to disarm these nuts? Nobody's even enforcing the traffic laws properly
i don't know. but i know we have very weak security policies back at home, yet it doesn't happen.
difference? well, for starters, it's very very difficult to buy a gun in slovakia.
dagmaraka wrote:ditto. doesn't happen anywhere else in the same extent or fashion.
no it doesnt Dag, and the reason is America's obssession with guns. (A constitutional right they say ha ha...not funny)
Steve 41oo wrote:...Just what sort of a country is the United States of America? Why would anyone want to live there?
Yes, between the shooting rampages and the hostage crises, I can hardly navigate my way home from work at night.
Brandon9000 wrote:Steve 41oo wrote:...Just what sort of a country is the United States of America? Why would anyone want to live there?
Yes, between the shooting rampages and the hostage crises, I can hardly navigate my way home from work at night.
Well I can understand why you feel ashamed about yet another mass shooting.
and yes I am putting the boot into gun toting ignorant Americans. Because they, and it is a minority, deserve it.
Steve 41oo wrote:I dont think the legislators in the US care. It seems Americans must just accept this as a feature of their lives and deaths, the lawmakers themselves being at all times immune.
It is a little more complex than just whether or not legislators "care." The NRA will provide generous support to any lawmaker who supports their anti-gun-control agenda, and will viciously and repeatedly attack anyone who supports a gun control agenda. They have lots of money, and lots of supporters who will spend their own money to support like-minded lawmakers, and attack lawmakers whom they see as the enemy.
dagmaraka wrote:i don't know. but i know we have very weak security policies back at home, yet it doesn't happen.
difference? well, for starters, it's very very difficult to buy a gun in slovakia.
I've studied at a couple of German universities and never noticed any security.
Steve 41oo wrote:
How many more before the US wakes up and bans guns?
They already did ban the guns. These victims were disarmed last year. Beforehand much of the Faculty and students carried their own firearms for protection from something like this. Yet most people will have your standard response as above so only criminales can have the guns wherever they get them illegally across the border or whatnot. Like the statistics in Australia, as soon as they banned the guns home invasion armed robberies went up 300% criminals became more bold than ever brutalizing the elderly etc.
Virginia quashed bill allowing handguns on campuses[/size]
Tech spokesman celebrated 2006 defeat because it would help make campus safe
Posted: April 16, 2007
3:15 p.m. Eastern
Steve 41oo wrote:and yes I am putting the boot into gun toting ignorant Americans. Because they, and it is a minority, deserve it.
And a couple of hours after a large national tragedy is such a perfect time to do it.
Maybe we should ban books too. They give people such troubling thoughts. And let's ban public assembly and troubling speech too. It gets people all stirred up.
Yeah right . . . find a depressive sociopath, and give him a book, and count the corpses which result. Then give him a gun, and repeat the exercise . . .
dagmaraka wrote :
Quote:If anyone wants to proselytize about freedom to carry guns, today would be a very very bad day for that.
i wish you were right , dagmaraka !
but i don't even have to stray from this thread to be shown otherwise !
there doesn't even seem to be a little respect for those that were killed ... they will probably be blamed because they did not carry a gun.
VA Tech is in Blacksburg, about two hours SW of Charlottesville. 26,000 students on 2,600 acres. UVA and Tech have an ongoing rivalry; we at UVA like to say that all dirt roads lead to Tech. A dreadful day there.
I am hearing that the first shooting happened at a co-ed residence hall and may have been a "domestic" dispute involving a man and a woman and a Resident Advisor who intervened. One person was killed and one was wounded. The suggestion is being made that police were slow to respond, but if you have ever been involved in an emergency, time goes by very slowly. But why the campus wasn't shut down/locked down is unclear.
I am hearing that there was a lone gunman who then got across campus to the Engineering School and that was where, two hours later, in an engineering school classroom, where the other 30 deaths and 20+ woundings occurred. The shooting lasted for a long time--perhaps a half hour. There were police from various juristictions. But why they couldn't take him down is also unclear.
The gunman is now being described as "a young Asian male." He reportedly shot himself. The weapon was a semi-automatic.