cjhsa wrote:When one of your illegal cook staff pulls out his stolen SNS and robs you after hours, I think that smirk will be gone from your face, OB.

Cook staff? Bill? And illegal?
Any proof for anything of that what seems to be totally nonsense?
Walt, prove to me you actually exist.
A Tale Of Two Cities Where A Couple Of People Forgot To Take Anti-stupidity Pills Monday
At VT yesterday, as classes resumed, an instructor stood in front of his students, extended his arms, thumbs and forefingers and pretended to shoot the kids. The instructor no longer works for VT.
And last night at UVA, a "massive" number of UVA, city, county and state police responded to a call of an armed man in an engineering school building. "Authorities...some with pistols drawn and others armed with shotguns...went hallway by hallway and floor by floor." They arrested a student with a bb-gun. There were only a few students in the building, perhaps a couple of dozen, at 11 pm, doing research. They evidentally barricaded themselves in rooms and the police had trouble convincing some of them that the incident was over.
The arrested student was working on a film project. Reportedly the bb-gun was not loaded but it is against the law for anyone other than law-enforcement officers to carry any type of gun on Grounds.
cjhsa wrote:When one of your illegal cook staff pulls out his stolen SNS and robs you after hours, I think that smirk will be gone from your face, OB.
Have a nice day.

You could well have pitied
any fool who attempted to rob me while my cook staff was there.
And I can prove Walter
actually exists. :wink:
And I can prove Walter actually exists. :wink:
Many of us have had the pleasure of meeting Walter. Of course, some of the many are left-wing liberals so it could be a conspiracy to deceive cjhsa. Yeah, a vast conspiracy where we dreamed up Walter. Could that be a cardboard cut-out of "Walter?"
Perhaps it could be in the metaphysical sense. What does exist mean?
Meanwhile, cjhsa, tell us more about Bill's illegal immigrant staff and their inherent ruthless dishonesty.
realjohnboy wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:
And I can prove Walter actually exists. :wink:
Many of us have had the pleasure of meeting Walter. Of course, some of the many are left-wing liberals so it could be a conspiracy to deceive cjhsa. Yeah, a vast conspiracy where we dreamed up Walter. Could that be a cardboard cut-out of "Walter?"
Perhaps it could be in the metaphysical sense. What does exist mean?
Meanwhile, cjhsa, tell us more about Bill's illegal immigrant staff and their inherent ruthless dishonesty.
Can't wait for the next exciting instalments to these stories!
HokieBird wrote:Vermont and New Hampshire are two of the least restrictive states when it comes to purchasing guns. Remembering even former Governor Howard Dean supports gun rights. The two states with the lowest rates of homicides using guns are also Vermont (0.48 per 100000 people) and New Hampshire (0.43).
That low crime rate has nothing to do with gun control. VT and NH highly woodsy areas, aren't filled with cities and/or ghettos, and don't have too many or any gangs. People up there buy guns to hunt, aren't exactly many thugs running the streets of VT.
Which is why there's no reason NH and VT should have tough gun laws as states like MA, NY, CA, where it makes more sense to have tighter gun laws.
Hey, I agree with Slappy...
Have met and quite like Walter and O'Bill and RealJohn.
I don't care what O'Bill says . . . he lies all the time anyway.
I don't believe in Walter, either.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:HokieBird wrote:Vermont and New Hampshire are two of the least restrictive states when it comes to purchasing guns. Remembering even former Governor Howard Dean supports gun rights. The two states with the lowest rates of homicides using guns are also Vermont (0.48 per 100000 people) and New Hampshire (0.43).
That low crime rate has nothing to do with gun control. VT and NH highly woodsy areas, aren't filled with cities and/or ghettos, and don't have too many or any gangs. People up there buy guns to hunt, aren't exactly many thugs running the streets of VT.
Which is why there's no reason NH and VT should have tough gun laws as states like MA, NY, CA, where it makes more sense to have tighter gun laws.
Every set of stats on crime rates in the US I've seen indicate that the most important variable is the number of black males, not the gun laws, in a particular area. But the US, like Western Europe, is very politically correct so most would rather talk about guns and violence in entertainment.
States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don't.
Setanta wrote:I don't care what O'Bill says . . . he lies all the time anyway.
I don't believe in Walter, either.

You don't believe in Walter!
msolga wrote:Setanta wrote:I don't care what O'Bill says . . . he lies all the time anyway.
I don't believe in Walter, either.

You don't believe in Walter!
More than just outrageous. I think disbelief in Walter is considered not only heretical and blasphemous but a mortal sin, according to the Church.
HokieBird wrote:
Every set of stats on crime rates in the US I've seen indicate that the most important variable is the number of black males, not the gun laws, in a particular area. But the US, like Western Europe, is very politically correct so most would rather talk about guns and violence in entertainment.
States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don't.
I knew the race card would be played sooner or later. Give a white supremacist enough rope and he'll string hisself up fer damn' sure.
xingu wrote:HokieBird wrote:Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:HokieBird wrote:Vermont and New Hampshire are two of the least restrictive states when it comes to purchasing guns. Remembering even former Governor Howard Dean supports gun rights. The two states with the lowest rates of homicides using guns are also Vermont (0.48 per 100000 people) and New Hampshire (0.43).
That low crime rate has nothing to do with gun control. VT and NH highly woodsy areas, aren't filled with cities and/or ghettos, and don't have too many or any gangs. People up there buy guns to hunt, aren't exactly many thugs running the streets of VT.
Which is why there's no reason NH and VT should have tough gun laws as states like MA, NY, CA, where it makes more sense to have tighter gun laws.
Every set of stats on crime rates in the US I've seen indicate that the most important variable is the number of black males, not the gun laws, in a particular area. But the US, like Western Europe, is very politically correct so most would rather talk about guns and violence in entertainment.
States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don't.
Show us the stats.
Doesn't seem to be politically correct, so let's just discuss violence in entertainment instead.
HokieBird wrote:Every set of stats on crime rates in the US I've seen indicate that the most important variable is the number of black males, not the gun laws, in a particular area. But the US, like Western Europe, is very politically correct so most would rather talk about guns and violence in entertainment.
States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don't.
1) Why do YOU think that the number of black males is proportional to the number of gun crimes?
2) Like I said, the states that have the less strict gun laws are states like NH, VT, New Mexico, ect., which are rural, don't have a lot of cities and gangs. Obviously the crime rates are going to be lower. It has nothing to do with the gun laws.