Glad you're feeling better, K.
I'm also chiming in with a me too.
Gee littlek, I'm sorry you've been so miserable. Ear pain sucks. As for the bill - ask to speak to a financial person at the hospital. Some hospitals will give you a reduced rate and all will give you a payment plan based on what you can pay monthly. Just pay the agreed upon amount on time they will not chase you and it will not effect your credit.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I'm thinking going to work with the kids this afternoon was a bad idea. Driving wasn't smart either.
Not head spinning dizzy, but very very flaky, sort of woozy, a little nauseous. And VERY tired. My ears are still clogged, pressure in both and no more oozing from the right for the last hour or two. I think I might head over to my primary tomorrow.
Good idea. It might be good to get a culture so you know the right antibiotic is prescribed.
The nurse sounded unimpressed with the walk-in service.
littlek wrote:Isn't Miller a medical person? I thought she was.
Mt Auburn Hospital has a walk-in on the weekends.
Yes, I am a health care professional with significant clinical experience.
By the way, it's good to know that Mt. Auburn has a walk-in on the weekends. Thanks for the inffo.
sozobe wrote:Miller's a medical person of some kind but she's already made at least two demonstrably false statements on this thread. Medical does not equal ENT authority. (I think she does some sort of research/ experimentation rather than MD-type stuff, I don't remember.)
I have extensive research/medical/clinical experience .
Quote:Medical does not equal ENT authority. (I think she does some sort of research/ experime
...I never said it did and I never said I was an authority. However, otitis media is a common problem and easily treatable.
Swimpy wrote:Good idea. It might be good to get a culture so you know the right antibiotic is prescribed.
This is rarely done, as most MDs will Rx the antibiotic immediately and not wait for a culture to grow up.
hey, littlek. How you doin' today?
Roberta - I just woke up. I still have a lot of pressure in both ears. Leaking hasn't returned. I'm trying to get through to my doctor's office to schedule an appointment with an ENT doc.
Sounds like a good idea. I hope you get to see one toot sweet. You need some real relief.
er..... is 4 weeks (!) soon enough? Geezus.
My god! Can't they squeeze you in?
Miller, Maybe a culture isn't routine, but I would still request it be done. There are too many resistant bacteria out there.
littlek wrote:er..... is 4 weeks (!) soon enough? Geezus.
Four weeks!!!!!!!
I feel helpless for you.
Is there nothing that can be done?
It may be that the 4 weeks was for the follow-up (was supposed to be 2 weeks). They might have different protocol for current issues.
News flash: Going to see a doc or NP (not a specialist) at 11:30.