Heehee..... so, after I last posted I started to feel better. Something seemed to shift - maybe it was the fever. I have today off until 2:30 pm when I go get the kids from school. That'll be 67 dollars I don't get next month.
The sinuses are cleared up, mostly. The left ear feels completely normal. The right ear still pings once in a while and it is still semi-full. Also, most importantly, in some respects, it is still leaking.
I am trying to gage my return to work. I asked my sister what the protocol was for ear infections and school return for kids. She said after the kid was on antibiotics for 24 hours, they could return to school. I'm guessing this is for the kid's sake as ear infections aren't contagious, right?
How can I work if my ear is dripping? Remember, this is a school, I am busy ALL day long.
and THANKS AS ALWAYS for the support.
I have been alternating with rolled tissue plugs, nothing, and qtips to deal with it. While the rolled tissue plugs work best, they make it even harder to hear anything. I won't use qtips in school.
Rolled tissue plugs are what we've used when sozlet's otherwise fine but still leaking. Changed often. And loose, of course. (Even loose, they can be pretty inconspicuous.)
Maybe call the school and ask what their policy is? I took sozlet on errands and stuff but kept her home if she was still leaking. It's not contagious per se but it's highly icky stuff (bacteria etc.)
So glad you're starting to feel better!
How soon after using the medicated nose spray can I blow my nose? Or use the netti pot?
Ask your doctor!
We haven't used the medicated spray in a while, I don't remember, myself.
Neti pot/ saline is pretty harmless though I think -- it's not something to avoid like putting stuff in your ears.
In fact I *think* (don't quote me on this) that the recommendation was spray, then saline, as the spray opened things up a bit and let the saline work better.
Makes sense....... ok. Thanks.
Quote:ear infections aren't contagious, right?
Not unless you share your pillow.
Thanks Miller, that's what I figured.
Which Boston hospital has a Walk-In Clinic that's open on Sundays?
Not exactly, Miller.
Since I'm getting a bit annoyed at Miller's authoritative tone on stuff that doesn't seem to actually warrant it, I'll preface this by saying that I'm not certain of this, either. But what I seem to remember is that if a child already has the conditions that make an ear infection likely -- a stuffy nose, especially -- the bacteria from discharge can be the spark that lights the tinder. (As in, bacteria on hands, transfered to another kid's hands, then that kid touches his/ her stuffy nose, and that can contribute to an ear infection in that kid.)
A perfectly healthy kid exposed to the discharge would probably be fine.
But ear-to-ear contact (via something like a pillow) won't do anything in particular for middle ear infections (unless the other person also has an open perforation).
sozobe wrote:Ask your doctor!
Ok..... I asked my doctor, but not about the spray. I made a follow-up appointment and asked for info on returning to work. The nurse will call me back about that.
Isn't Miller a medical person? I thought she was.
Mt Auburn Hospital has a walk-in on the weekends.
Miller's a medical person of some kind but she's already made at least two demonstrably false statements on this thread. Medical does not equal ENT authority. (I think she does some sort of research/ experimentation rather than MD-type stuff, I don't remember.)
Oh and great about follow-up.
Nurse called back - she said take tomorrow off and, if I can, thursday too.
... and if you're gonna do that, you might as well call it a week
Region I can't afford to be taking one day off let alone three (of the job I get paid by the day for)
sorry -- i assumed you had a few sick days to play with...