Being against illegal immigration doesn't make you a racist.

Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 03:19 pm
mysteryman wrote:
rabel22 wrote:
Let me pose a question to whomever. I am standing in line for 3 hours waiting to buy tickets to a ballgame. Five or six hispanics cut in line ahead of me. When I get to the window i'm told sorry we just sold the last ticket. If I start screaming about the people who cut in line ahead of me, does this make me racial bigot.
What if they hopped the fence on the other side of the park because they couldn't afford the extraordinary admission price, chose seats that would have been vacant otherwise and it slowed you down, not at all? Upon learning of it; would you feel the urge to scream? What if instead of a ball park; they were just after a crappy job and enough to eat? Still screaming?

How do you know those seats would have been empty otherwise?
Because it was my hypothetical. Cool Are you going to pick the oranges that rot on the trees when there's so much as talk about a potential raid? I think not.

Then you think wrong!!!
I have picked fruit (apples) and I have worked in the fields of central Ca.

When I first got off of active duty,I did many minimum wage or low paying jobs to support myself.
I have baled and stacked hay,washed dishes,and many other jobs you seem to think are beneath you.

So,your assumption that I wont do those jobs is as usual...WRONG!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 03:41 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
What if they hopped the fence on the other side of the park because they couldn't afford the extraordinary admission price?

well, just like "dine and dash", that would be stealing wouldn't it ?
Only if someone's deliberately missing the point. Point: Those standing in line are effected NOT AT ALL... you know, just like immigration. For the record; everyone of them who qualified would get a green light under King Bill as well. :wink:

naw, dude. you said jump the fence to see a game without paying. and whether or not any seats are empty or not, if you want to see the game, ya should pay for the tickets. if ya can't afford them.. well, i guess yer gonna miss the game. or the movie or whatever.

see? why should anyone pay for anything if they can get away with just stealing it ?

if that's the case, then i guess we can all look forward to losing our business', jobs, homes, families and all of the other stuff that we gain when we all play by the rules.

if by king bill you mean clinton... mmmm.. you need to remember that the only amnesty given out by the american government was by the administration of ronald reagan. it had all of the same language that the current proposal has. and it was a one time deal. just like the current says.

yet, here we are, 20 years later, doing the exact same thing for the second time.

they say that the definition of stupidity is repeating the same act over and over and expecting a different result.

and sorry, again about clinton.. that argument is way, way past it's expiration date. but it is a convenient way to avoid acknowledging the uninterupted parade of absolute fubars that the bush administration has treated us to for the last 7 years. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 03:45 pm
mysteryman wrote:
So,your assumption that I wont do those jobs is as usual...WRONG!!!

i've found that the willingness to do a crappy job that you don't want to do increases with the volume of the growling coming from your stomach and a desire to sleep indoors. Laughing
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 03:47 pm
Been there, done that! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 04:15 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
King Bill? OUCH!
Relax CI... endless travel would still be permissible.

mysteryman wrote:
Then you think wrong!!!
I have picked fruit (apples) and I have worked in the fields of central Ca.

When I first got off of active duty,I did many minimum wage or low paying jobs to support myself.
I have baled and stacked hay,washed dishes,and many other jobs you seem to think are beneath you.

So,your assumption that I wont do those jobs is as usual...WRONG!!!
I haven't picked any fruit, but I've washed plenty of dishes and I assure you; I don't find any job beneath me. More a matter of preference. My example wasn't about you. It was based on FACTUAL cases of oranges rotting on trees, because when the illegals got spooked; the farmers couldn't find your number to come pick up the slack.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
naw, dude. you said jump the fence to see a game without paying. and whether or not any seats are empty or not, if you want to see the game, ya should pay for the tickets. if ya can't afford them.. well, i guess yer gonna miss the game. or the movie or whatever.

see? why should anyone pay for anything if they can get away with just stealing it ?

if that's the case, then i guess we can all look forward to losing our business', jobs, homes, families and all of the other stuff that we gain when we all play by the rules.
Rolling Eyes Did you really miss Rabel's post? The one I responded to that was clearly about the people getting bumped out of line... which was clearly a false example as illustrated? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; but if you come back deliberately missing the point again I'll assume you've lost your mind.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
if by king bill you mean clinton... mmmm.. you need to remember that the only amnesty given out by the american government was by the administration of ronald reagan. it had all of the same language that the current proposal has. and it was a one time deal. just like the current says.
Interesting selective memory, that. I seem to remember Tax Evaders, Traitors, Drug Dealers and all manner of scum receiving Amnesty from Mr. Clinton. Hell, Rich just bought a pass, not having ever been tried at all. :wink:

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
yet, here we are, 20 years later, doing the exact same thing for the second time.

they say that the definition of stupidity is repeating the same act over and over and expecting a different result.
Agreed. Let's follow some more of Ronnie's advice when family members are separated by an inane wall. tear down this wall. If you think the twits in Washington can legislate away poor hungry people's desire for something better, you really are losing it. The best solution; is the one that's workable. Wanna find the 5 criminals in a group of 100? Decriminalize the actions of the other 95. Idea Or hunt and peck for another 20 years while making bold pronouncements that are long on talk and short on action.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
and sorry, again about clinton.. that argument is way, way past it's expiration date. but it is a convenient way to avoid acknowledging the uninterupted parade of absolute fubars that the bush administration has treated us to for the last 7 years. Very Happy
Laughing You were off-base in the first place. The King Bill I was referring to was yours truly. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 05:10 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
naw, dude. you said jump the fence to see a game without paying.

Rolling Eyes Did you really miss Rabel's post? The one I responded to that was clearly about the people getting bumped out of line... which was clearly a false example as illustrated? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; but if you come back deliberately missing the point again I'll assume you've lost your mind.

naw, i saw it bill. the only part i was referring to was your comment about hopping the fence cuz they wanted and couldn't afford, so they took. just a small picking of a nit. i just think stealing is a bad thing and has ramifications beyond the immediate circumstance. not really about the illegal thing.. (this time ;8 >)- )

as far as losing my mind goes.. well, i'll tell ya.. i'm sitting here in an east tennessee town of about 8,000 people (pop's in the hospital), i don't know anyone, he has basic cable, i'm totally bored and almost out of beer..

yep... i have indeed lost my mind !!! Confused

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
if by king bill you mean clinton... mmmm.. you need to remember that the only amnesty given out by the american government was by the administration of ronald reagan.

Interesting selective memory, that. I seem to remember Tax Evaders, Traitors, Drug Dealers and all manner of scum receiving Amnesty from Mr. Clinton. Hell, Rich just bought a pass, not having ever been tried at all. :wink:

mmm, i was referring to "immigration" amnesty.., but okay. never said that b.c. was an angel.

but really, the main point is that "clinton has not been president for a very long time"..

ooohhh ooohh ooohhh ! i just remembered ! apparently bush has the same selective memory loss; marc rich was repped by, and secured an amnesty by..... scoooter libby ! TA-DAH !! Laughing

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
yet, here we are, 20 years later, doing the exact same thing for the second time.

they say that the definition of stupidity is repeating the same act over and over and expecting a different result.
Agreed. Let's follow some more of Ronnie's advice when family members are separated by an inane wall. tear down this wall. If you think the twits in Washington can legislate away poor hungry people's desire for something better, you really are losing it. The best solution; is the one that's workable. Wanna find the 5 criminals in a group of 100? Decriminalize the actions of the other 95. Idea Or hunt and peck for another 20 years while making bold pronouncements that are long on talk and short on action.

that would be a great idea, except we will be doing the same thing again in 2027. sorry, bill. i just don't think this is gonna change a thing. i'd be really happy to be wrong about that though.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
and sorry, again about clinton.. that argument is way, way past it's expiration date. but it is a convenient way to avoid acknowledging the uninterupted parade of absolute fubars that the bush administration has treated us to for the last 7 years. Very Happy
Laughing You were off-base in the first place. The King Bill I was referring to was yours truly. :wink:

oh... many pardons majesty. damn and confustigate me for a varlet. Laughing

okay, bro.. gotta go find some beer. this place has quite strong blue laws and manana is sunday.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 07:02 pm
Go back and read my post. I didn't say anything about being bumped out of line. The people who jumped the line payed the cost but got in line illegally. They filled the quota and couldn't be removed because they had tickets. I was in line by virtue of going to the end of the line and waiting my turn. But when my turn came the stadium was full. This is what illegal immigration is about. Crossing the border illegally is the same as jumping the line. I wonder how many legal immigrants wont be able to come here because the quota is already filled. And show me where my premise is a false one.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 07:32 pm
Your premise is fal\se for three reasons...

1) The stadium is no where near full.

2) The people jumping the line are doing something useful that other fans don't want to... they are selling peanuts, serving beer and cleaning up trash for the other patrons.

3) This is a thread about racism.

As I have said repeatedly (from the very title) being upset because of how someone enters the stadiium is not racism.

You and Bill disagree about whether you should be angry... or whether you should punish these line jumpers. Neither of you have said anything racist (and I think you and Bill would agree on this).

It is the people who are blaming all Hispanics for the home team losing, for violent crime and even inventing a fictional leprosy epidemic who are racist.

That's the whole point. If you disagree with me about the need for compassion and human understanding for "illegal" immigrants, this doesn't make you racist. If you are angry at these "illegals" and want harsh punishment, this doesn't make you racist.

But some people in the immigration debate are saying things that are clearly racist. These include:

1) Questioning the patriotism of Hispanic citizens who support compassionate immigration reform to the point of accusing them of wanting to destroy the company.

2) Quoting false statistics about the amount of violent crime commited by immigrants that paint a false picture of a greatly exagerrated risk.

3) Relying on stereotypes of lazyness or sexual danger.

3) Inventing epidemics of leprosy.

These are the things I am objecting to in the immigration debate.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 08:09 pm
Add reason it's a false premise 4) to Ebrown's list. I have seen zero proposed legislation that will slow anyone in line's entry down one iota.

Add to list of Bigots: On the other thread McG came right out and called them Beaners.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 08:55 pm
On the other thread McG came right out and called them Beaners.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 05:25 am
Add reason it's a false premise 4) to Ebrown's list. I have seen zero proposed legislation that will slow anyone in line's entry down one iota.

Add to list of Bigots: On the other thread McG came right out and called them Beaners.

Actually,he quoted Carlos Mencia.
Carlos Mencia is a Latin-American comic who skewers EVERYONE and everything.
You should see one of his shows sometime.

He has his own show on "Comedy Central" called "the Mind of Mencia".

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 05:11 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Add reason it's a false premise 4) to Ebrown's list. I have seen zero proposed legislation that will slow anyone in line's entry down one iota.

Add to list of Bigots: On the other thread McG came right out and called them Beaners.

Actually,he quoted Carlos Mencia.
Carlos Mencia is a Latin-American comic who skewers EVERYONE and everything.
You should see one of his shows sometime.

He has his own show on "Comedy Central" called "the Mind of Mencia".

WTF difference does it make where he picked up the term? Does the fact that Chris Rock uses the term n*gger make it any less a tool of bigots? Snap out of it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 09:35 pm
Yes, snap out of it everybody, there are bigots everywhere. You are probably working with them, maybe even unknowingly living with one or more, who knows? Anyone and everyone that has ever used a politically incorrect term are bigots. Hang them all. Can we investigate your past quotes, Bill?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 09:46 pm
Who's gonna stop you? I think your time would be better spent figuring out why you're defending (well, making a fool of yourself trying to defend) the use of a term you say you wouldn't use yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:14 pm
It wasn't the little incident of McGentrix use of his term that has me sensitive to this, but this whole business of calling people bigots has been going on a long time, and this forum is no exception. Therefore I have my antenna up for such tactics, which I have found to be generally used by people that don't have much of an argument for their cause. As I said, it reminds of first graders on the playground. Virtually everyone has used a politically incorrect term, and if you claim to be an exception, then I could do as you do, claim you are a liar or a bigot. I don't think you would like it however, and I don't think you are. That is the point. And so when I see this tactic used all the time, it irritates me because I think the number of people that use politically incorrect terms far outweigh the number of truly bigoted people. Most people just would like the laws enforced, thats all.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:18 pm
okie, Your mention of the "first grade" only shows how ignorant you are about the reality of bigotry. What and who are you trying to defend?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:22 pm
Read the posts for the answer.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:26 pm
I already did; your response shows total ignorance about bigotry.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 10:42 pm
I am beginning to think you might be bigoted against okies? After all, some of us were not quite as smart and did not migrate to California.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 20 May, 2007 11:04 pm
I don't "discriminate" even against okies - no matter how ignorant they seem.
0 Replies

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