More Clear Thinking From Ann Coulter

Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:43 pm
woiyo wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Just an observation and then I'll leave y'all alone to bicker about Ms. Coulter. The hypocrisy of some (I said some) of our democratic friends here has left me chuckling. Seems they are ready to crucify Coulter for her comments which in my humble opinion were silly, yet see nothing wrong with making comments calling her a c**t.

I return you now to your continued rant about Ms. Coulter's remarks and her genetic makeup, which for some reason facinates some of you here.

It's fascinating because it continues to reveal the true colors of the Republican party. :wink:

Here is her quote.

Spin away!

""I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'" Coulter said.

Like I said... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:44 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
kickycan wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Good point, CR.

Really? You think it's good to attribute that quote to all the democrats here, even though only one person, ME< NOT A DEMOCRAT said it?

Good point? WRONG.

Granted, I should have said non-republican friends, but hey, I'm not perfect.

So when Republicans call Cindy Sheehan a c**t (which I've heard numerous times on another forum, and countless times on Freerepublic), you would see nothing wrong with that? Or would you condemn your Republican friends as well?

I would if I saw it, yes. I think name calling of any kind is quite childish and shows a lack of intelligence in being able to express a point without resorting to such. It certainly does not advance one's ideas when all one can do is point a finger at someone and call them names. I thought it childish and non-productive when I saw someone referring to Clinton and democrats as KKKlinton and demokkkrats (or some such thing) and I spoke up about that to that poster. He didn't much like what I had to say, but frankly, I don't care and I have little respect for him or his ideas because of his childishness. I may disagree with someone's ideas or what someone does, but I won't lower myself to get involved with name calling. Makes no sense. And believe me, I have been sorely tempted at times.

I'm not trying to act holier than thou, just stating things as I see them. In this case, I think it childish to call names and to talk about how someone looks (and I think I made that point in regard to some members who made fun of Sheehan's looks, but I would have to double check to be sure).

Hope this answers your question thoroughly enough Dookie. Take care.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:44 pm
kickycan wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Good point, CR.

Really? You think it's good to attribute that quote to all the democrats here, even though only one person, ME< NOT A DEMOCRAT said it?

Good point? WRONG.

I thought he was just avoiding naming names and not attributing it to all democrats here. My bad if he was.

I do think it's a tad hypocritical to be up in arms over her use of the word "faggot" while feeling free to call her a c-rhymes-with-bunt. Although, it is one thing to call her that when you are a nobody on a public board and quite another to use such language in front of an applauding CPAC audience.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:46 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
kickycan wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Good point, CR.

Really? You think it's good to attribute that quote to all the democrats here, even though only one person, ME< NOT A DEMOCRAT said it?

Good point? WRONG.

Granted, I should have said non-republican friends, but hey, I'm not perfect.

So when Republicans call Cindy Sheehan a c**t (which I've heard numerous times on another forum, and countless times on Freerepublic), you would see nothing wrong with that? Or would you condemn your Republican friends as well?

I would if I saw it, yes. I think name calling of any kind is quite childish and shows a lack of intelligence in being able to express a point without resorting to such. It certainly does not advance one's ideas when all one can do is point a finger at someone and call them names. I thought it childish and non-productive when I saw someone referring to Clinton and democrats as KKKlinton and demokkkrats (or some such thing) and I spoke up about that to that poster. He didn't much like what I had to say, but frankly, I don't care and I have little respect for him or his ideas because of his childishness. I may disagree with someone's ideas or what someone does, but I won't lower myself to get involved with name calling. Makes no sense. And believe me, I have been sorely tempted at times.

I'm not trying to act holier than thou, just stating things as I see them. In this case, I think it childish to call names and to talk about how someone looks (and I think I made that point in regard to some members who made fun of Sheehan's looks, but I would have to double check to be sure).

Hope this answers your question thoroughly enough Dookie. Take care.

Yes, it does. Thanx for the clarification. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:47 pm
nimh wrote:
Now it's Ann Coulter who's been stupid and offensive, and are the A2K conservatives in their turn chiming in that sure, what she said was stupid and offensive?

Umm.. <crickets>

Yes, we should join in the chorus of calling her a c*nt and a she-male. Would that make you feel better Nimh?
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:50 pm
CoastalRat wrote:
Seems they are ready to crucify Coulter for her comments which in my humble opinion were silly, yet see nothing wrong with making comments calling her a c**t.

You dont think there's a wee difference between writing an anonymous post on some obscure web forum (no offense, Craven), and being the invited speaker at one of the, if not the, most important gathering of US conservatives in the year? You dont think that having the country's top crop of political conservatives applauding her "fagg*t" joke puts this in a slightly different category than Kickycan saying "c*nt" on able2know?

CoastalRat wrote:
I return you now to your continued rant about Ms. Coulter's remarks and her genetic makeup, which for some reason facinates some of you here.

Yeah, that whole tangent is just weird, and frankly, distasteful. And it hardly helps the case that those who use it are making. I mean, who the F cares about Coulter's perceived Adam's apple? Stupid schoolyard stuff.

One of the country's most prolific conservative public figures joking about f*ggots, however, seems to me to involve a little bit more than just "schoolyard stuff".
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:54 pm
You are correct FreeDuck in that I am not one to name names as such. Plus, I did think I had read the same type comment on another thread by another poster, but it may well have been the same poster.

And I agree with you that there is indeed a small difference between her very public comment and Kicky's, I thought it important enough to point out that people high and low say things that others find offensive. Nothing wrong with pointing it out. Just seems stupid to point it out by doing the same thing you are pointing at.

Oh well, enough of this subject. It was not my intention to pick out Kicky, which is why I tried to be generic. Others have done the same thing in other conversations (and not just non-republicans...lol)
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:54 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Yes, we should join in the chorus of calling her a c*nt and a she-male. Would that make you feel better Nimh?

No, simply showing the plain decency that some prominent conservative bloggers showed in response to Coulter's "joke" would suffice fine for me.

Hugh Hewitt calls Coulter's performance "Idiotic. Disgusting. Stupid. Moronic." John Hawkins at Right Wing News says that "Ann should apologize for her remarks". Captain Quarter's blog called Coulter's remark "stupid, unnecessary, and hateful".

Sounds good to me.

Now you've posted Coulter screeds many a time here on A2K, if memory serves me well - so I'm looking at you now to see if you're made of the same stuff.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:57 pm
I think c**t is the best way to describe her. it's a disgusting low down word and matches her perfectly. Can you think of a lowlier word for her and if so I'd be happy to use that from now on but c**t fits the virulent diseased nastiness that oozes from her like something you could actually touch.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 02:59 pm
Oh, and yes Nimh, I think she was wrong to say what she did and she should be called on it. And if it turns people away from her, then she deserves it. Just seems the point can be made without stooping to her level. I guess in a nutshell, that is the point I was trying to make.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:03 pm
nimh wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Yes, we should join in the chorus of calling her a c*nt and a she-male. Would that make you feel better Nimh?

No, simply showing the plain decency that some prominent conservative bloggers showed in response to Coulter's "joke" would suffice fine for me.

Hugh Hewitt calls Coulter's performance "Idiotic. Disgusting. Stupid. Moronic." John Hawkins at Right Wing News says that "Ann should apologize for her remarks". Captain Quarter's blog called Coulter's remark "stupid, unnecessary, and hateful".

Sounds good to me.

Now you've posted Coulter screeds many a time here on A2K, if memory serves me well - so I'm looking at you now to see if you're made of the same stuff.


That's the best you will get from me on this topic. I'll not sit by and watch the lynching though, as you seem to be willing to do.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:05 pm
McGentrix wrote:
nimh wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Yes, we should join in the chorus of calling her a c*nt and a she-male. Would that make you feel better Nimh?

No, simply showing the plain decency that some prominent conservative bloggers showed in response to Coulter's "joke" would suffice fine for me.

Hugh Hewitt calls Coulter's performance "Idiotic. Disgusting. Stupid. Moronic." John Hawkins at Right Wing News says that "Ann should apologize for her remarks". Captain Quarter's blog called Coulter's remark "stupid, unnecessary, and hateful".

Sounds good to me.

Now you've posted Coulter screeds many a time here on A2K, if memory serves me well - so I'm looking at you now to see if you're made of the same stuff.


That's the best you will get from me on this topic. I'll not sit by and watch the lynching though, as you seem to be willing to do.

What's funny is you have yet to tell us what the point was... Rolling Eyes
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:11 pm
the point to any McGentrix post is the support of the far right and anyone connected with it, the speaking from lofty heights of superiority and the dengration of anything less than that view.

Of course, that's just my opinion.

Is that not the entire far right?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:15 pm
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.

I am sure that if Coulter wanted to simply call Edwards a faggot, she would have.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:21 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.I am sure that if Coulter wanted to simply call Edwards a faggot, she would have.

like that famous liberal Rush Limbaugh for instance....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:21 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.

I am sure that if Coulter wanted to simply call Edwards a faggot, she would have.

I thought the latest fad was conservative Republicans like Foley and Ted Haggard going to rehab for their, um, problems.

Ann has already accused both Clinton and Gore of being gay, so it's naturally quite easy to assume she was doing the same to John Edwards. This is what she does. To hear some on the right claim otherwise is ludicrous. Besides, if what you say was Ann's point, it failed miserably.

She called Edwards a faggot, and the conservative Republican audience at the CPAC convention applauded. Or is it just as o.k to call an African American the "N" word without going to rehab?

Enough said. You guys keep spinning while Ann Coulter continues to speak for your party. She's doing the left a huge, valuable service as she continues to brings some of you out of the woodwork.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 03:26 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.I am sure that if Coulter wanted to simply call Edwards a faggot, she would have.

like that famous liberal Rush Limbaugh for instance....

Yep. And we all know that Rush and Ann are two birds of the same feather...




0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 04:10 pm
McGentrix wrote:

That's the best you will get from me on this topic.

Hum. Confused

Well, I asked. And one shouldnt look a gift horse in the mouth, as we say.

McGentrix wrote:
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.

Hmm, like the others already pointed out it seems to be mostly conservatives now who go into therapy to be cured of bad thoughts (Haggard officially declared not gay after therapeutic talks!).

The excuse that most Coulter apologists have come up with on this remark now is rather that she was referring to someone (a sportsman or something?) who was sent to a training or the like recently because he called someone a f*ggot. So, the argument goes, she wasnt really calling Edwards a f*ggot when she said that she didnt have anything to say about Edwards because you're not allowed to call someone a f*ggot, no, she was merely heckling PC gone overboard!

Now do I think she meant to call Edwards a f*ggot, or to ridicule PC supposedly gone mad? Both of course - thats a duh question. This is her spiel. She gets to snarkily imply that Edwards is a f*ggot and get the rapturous conservative laughs for that, to phrase it in such a way that she didnt actually literally call Edwards a f*ggot, and to use this rephrasing to score an additional red-meat point with the audience on the evil of PC. Hattrick! Clever clever Rolling Eyes

This is what we're dealing with.. a combination of schoolyard bullying, a politician's double-speak, and partisan rabblerousing. Yuk.

McGentrix wrote:
I'll not sit by and watch the lynching though, as you seem to be willing to do.

Hm. Coulter calling Edwards a f*ggot to entrhusiastic applause from the country's conservative bigwigs is merely an unfortunate choice of words for the occasion, but Kickycan and co calling Coulter a c*nt is a "lynching"? All in the eye of the beholder I suppose. I think its pretty much the same level, except that, you know, the first bit involves people that matter in the country's government, and the second bit is just random nobodies like us.

But yeah no, I'm not gonna stick around either. I mean, Jesus what am I doing? In the end, who cares whether anonymous conservative forum poster A speaks out about random scandal of the week X to anonymous liberal poster B? Sucked into the evil A2K Politics vortex once again. I mean, here I am spending half an hour documenting Mysteryman's hypocrisy - WTF? Its not like I would give a freak if I'd meet someone like him in real life.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 04:27 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Nimh, you are usually well read. What do you suppose her point was when she said

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'"

Do you think it was to simply call him a faggot, or to make a point about libs going to rehab for using naughty words or other actions? That seems to be the latest fad. Claim an addiction or problem and enter rehab as though that will fix everything after screwing up.

I am sure that if Coulter wanted to simply call Edwards a faggot, she would have.

That's not clear to me at all. I don't see how one zing outweighs the other, how was it obvious to you that her "real" point was about entering rehab for using naughty language and not that John Edwards was a faggot. If she had said, "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'nigger,'" would your response be the same? How about "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'dike,'"? Or maybe "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Leiberman, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'kike,'"? Which one of these bests makes her point? Or is it clear now that she didn't really have a point except to get thunderous applause by playing to stereotypical right-wing gay-hating.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 04:56 pm
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