Baldimo wrote: If you say something the left doesn't like or even imitate a protected group you get sent to "reeducation classes" to learn not to do those things. People are getting striped of their 1st amendment rights......
Baldimo, do you even know what your First Amendment rights are? They only protect you from the GOVERNMENT putting you in jail for saying your mind.
In absolutely no shape, size or form does the First Amendment protect you from an employer firing you, or people refusing to do business with you for what you said, or your neighbors shunning you and refusing to let their children play with yours, or the paper boy refusing to deliver to your door.
What the reaction is of
private citizens to what you say is not protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment only protects you from GOVERNMENT action against you. What other people do to you, outside of assaulting you or otherwise breaking the law, is not a First Amendment issue at all.
As for that actor who called his castmate a name, that isn't a First Amendment issue either. Nobody forced that actor to go to those classes. He could have said "Screw the classes, I meant what I said". He would have been fired from his job on the show, but that isn't a First Amendment issue-that is a decision on the part of the studio that a show will not benefit from having a person who openly proclaims his hate for homosexuals on the show.
People incorrectly think the First Amendment protects them from any repurcussions from what they say, no matter how offensive. Wrong. It protects you from government action against you for speaking your mind-whether others feel like they want to employ you or do business with you for what you say is entirely up to them.