woiyo wrote:Dookiestix wrote:woiyo wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:not like it will matter... but Bill Maher died NOT say he wished Cheney had been killed and I defy anyone to show the quote.
He said if it had happened less people would die... which is his opinion to
put forth and probably one that many would agree with... but he NEVER stated that he wished Cheney had been killed.
"What Maher did say on his show is: "I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn't be dying needlessly tomorrow ... I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That's a fact."
Spin away, you hypocrite!
Where did Maher say he wanted Cheney dead?
Spin away...

Back at you. Where did Coulter call Edwardsa a faggott.
""I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'" Coulter said.
On Real Time Maher made a comment during a discussion with panel members on his show about Arianna Huffington deleting Cheney death wish comments from Huffington Post.
In a nutshell, Maher basically insinuated that he agreed with the commenters on the the HP blog that were dissapointed that VP Dick Cheney had not been killed over the weekend in a botched assassination attempt. Now Maher didn't actually say that he wanted Cheney dead, but he might as well have said it. Maher thinks it is a free speech right to say such an evil thing.
Coulter was on TV last night on Hannity saying she meant it as a 'schoolyard insult.' That she didn't screw the joke up at all.
She doesn't realize that 'faggot' doesn't mean weak, or foolish, or wussy; it isn't a 'schoolyard insult.' It's a slur towards gays that young men - much like Coulter used to be - use quite often. It doesn't excuse the fact that people say it.
She just doesn't f*cking get it at all, and neither do a bunch of you, apparently.
Glenn Greenwald has a great article today about this subject; the gist is, we're not talking about a problem with Coulter, we're talking about a problem with the Republican party, whom she represents a dark side of.