More Clear Thinking From Ann Coulter

Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 04:59 pm
Here's a video with her saying the whole thing:

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Brand X
Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 05:57 pm
Mitt really stepped into that one. Laughing
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 06:09 pm
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 06:18 pm
By saying she would suffer repurcussions if she called somebody a faggot, so she won't mention him, it is clear what she is calling him.

"I'll get thrown out of this place is I call someone a mother@!$%^*&, so I'm afraid I can't refer to YOU at all."

Does McGentrix or anybody actually think the speaker is doing anything but calling the person he is addressing a mother@!$%^*& ?

Typical conserative response: whenever beat, be as dense as possible. Pretend you don't UNDERSTAND. Make the liberal start from the beginning, preferably the first day of kindergarten when children are told not to stick a pencil in the other child's ear. Concede nothing, even if your opponents are merely saying "2 + 2 = 4". And blame the media, (oops, the MSM), for being biased against you.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 06:24 pm
snood wrote:
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?

I dont know who this is addressed to,so I will take a stab at answering it.

Ann Coulter does NOT speak for me,in any way,shape,or form.
Most of what she says is despicable and disgusting,and the rest of it is just plain wrong.

ANYBODY that pays attention to what she says,whether to get outraged over it or to accept it,should have their head examined by a competent shrink.

But,it was Bill Maher that said,talking about the Huffington Post blog that was edited to have some comments about Cheney removed,

Maher: That's a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn't China, shouldn't you be able to say that?

So,wouldnt the same hold true for whatever Ann Coulter says?
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 06:52 pm
mysteryman wrote:
snood wrote:
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?

I dont know who this is addressed to,so I will take a stab at answering it.

Ann Coulter does NOT speak for me,in any way,shape,or form.
Most of what she says is despicable and disgusting,and the rest of it is just plain wrong.

ANYBODY that pays attention to what she says,whether to get outraged over it or to accept it,should have their head examined by a competent shrink.

But,it was Bill Maher that said,talking about the Huffington Post blog that was edited to have some comments about Cheney removed,

Maher: That's a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn't China, shouldn't you be able to say that?

So,wouldnt the same hold true for whatever Ann Coulter says?

Bill Maher doesn't speak to a bunch of high profile Republicans with his comments and have them applaud in glowing approval.

Besides, Bill Maher is a comedian. Ann Coulter is a...

Oh, forget it.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 08:16 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Maher: That's a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn't China, shouldn't you be able to say that?

So,wouldnt the same hold true for whatever Ann Coulter says?

I think that's certainly the position that Bill Maher would take, knowing how he typically reacts to these things. But that's still a question for him.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 09:17 pm
The Anne Coulter Quiz

1. Before she referred to John Edwards as a "faggot," how did Ann Coulter describe Al Gore?

a) "A screaming - no, a shrieking queen."
b) "He couldn't be any gayer if his name was Anderson Cooper."
c) "Total fag."
d) "That fat fairy."

2. Which of these is NOT a book by Ann Coulter?

a) Godless: The Church of Liberalism
b) Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism
c) Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
d) Preposterous: The Bizarre Notion, Held Even By Certain People On the Left, That Ann Coulter Is Sexy

3. What did Ann Coulter tell the rightwing website FrontPageMag.com that she likes to read about?

a) Serial killers
b) Holocaust victims
c) S&M
d) Shrill harridans

4. What did Ann Coulter write about politically active 9/11 widows Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Lorie Van Auken and Mindy Kleinberg?

a) "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."
b) "How do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies?"
c) "They'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy."
d) All of the above

5. What did Ann Coulter say was her "only regret with Timothy McVeigh"?

a) That "he was not tortured to death on live television"
b) That "he did not go to the New York Times building"
c) That "his mother was not killed before she could give birth to him"
d) That "he did not turn out to be a liberal"

6. What response to terrorism did Ann Coulter advocate after the 9/11 attacks?

a) "We should stop wasting time, and declare martial law."
b) "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
c) "We should round up all the dark-looking ones, rip those rags off their heads and deport them."
d) "We should squander the sympathy and good will of the world, go to war against a country that had nothing to do with the attacks and create millions more terrorists."

Answers: 1) c; 2) d; 3) a; 4) d; 5) b; 6) b

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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 10:49 pm
snood wrote:
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?

Only if you are seriously facked up.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 11:30 pm
mysteryman wrote:
snood wrote:
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?

I dont know who this is addressed to,so I will take a stab at answering it.

Ann Coulter does NOT speak for me,in any way,shape,or form.
Most of what she says is despicable and disgusting,and the rest of it is just plain wrong.

ANYBODY that [sic] pays attention to what she says,whether to get outraged over it or to accept it,should have their[sic] head examined by a competent shrink.

But,it was Bill Maher that [ic] said,talking about the Huffington Post blog that was edited to have some comments about Cheney removed,

Maher: That's a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn't China, shouldn't you be able to say that?

So,wouldnt the same hold true for whatever Ann Coulter says?

So you are paying attention to what she says, therefore, by your own admission, you need your head examined. Your amazingly stupid drivel astounds me.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2007 11:40 pm
The reason she is paid attention to is that prominent Republicans still cling to her. This is a case in point-being asked to speak at a meeting of prominent conservative Republicans.

If she just wrote these books with the nasty comments, but Republican organizations shunned her and few Republican politicians were willing to be photographed with her, then a case could be made that she really does not represent the Republican party. Instead, she is seen with prominent Republicans, and at Republican outlets, all the time.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 07:06 am
kelticwizard wrote:
The reason she is paid attention to is that prominent Republicans still cling to her. This is a case in point-being asked to speak at a meeting of prominent conservative Republicans.

If she just wrote these books with the nasty comments, but Republican organizations shunned her and few Republican politicians were willing to be photographed with her, then a case could be made that she really does not represent the Republican party. Instead, she is seen with prominent Republicans, and at Republican outlets, all the time.

Yup. She's central to the present conservative movement as it exists in reality. Just survey the folks from the right here on a2k (or any group of college republicans) and compare how many read Coulter and how many read Buckley or Hayek etc).
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 02:42 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
snood wrote:
Does Coulter say things you want to, and can't?

I dont know who this is addressed to,so I will take a stab at answering it.

Ann Coulter does NOT speak for me,in any way,shape,or form.
Most of what she says is despicable and disgusting,and the rest of it is just plain wrong.

ANYBODY that [sic] pays attention to what she says,whether to get outraged over it or to accept it,should have their[sic] head examined by a competent shrink.

But,it was Bill Maher that [ic] said,talking about the Huffington Post blog that was edited to have some comments about Cheney removed,

Maher: That's a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn't China, shouldn't you be able to say that?

So,wouldnt the same hold true for whatever Ann Coulter says?

So you are paying attention to what she says, therefore, by your own admission, you need your head examined. Your amazingly stupid drivel astounds me.

I am not paying attention to anything she says.
I am simply making a comment about her regarding this discussion.

I have no idea what she said,or to whom she said it,or what she writes.
I am only going by what other people have posted here,nothing more.

So,as usual,you are wrong.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 03:24 pm
Political polluters

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | March 7, 2007

WRAPPING UP HER address to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington Friday, bestselling author and right-wing poison-mouth Ann Coulter took a witless swipe at former US senator John Edwards:

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards," Coulter said, "but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot.' So . . . I can't really talk about Edwards."

Judging from video clips posted on the Internet, Coulter's asinine crack was greeted with laughter and some applause. But condemnation was swift.

The Edwards campaign posted the video on its website, along with a statement accusing Coulter of having "brought hate-speech politics to a new low" -- and asking supporters to "help us raise $100,000 in 'Coulter Cash' this week to keep this campaign charging ahead." Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean called Coulter's comments "hate-filled and bigoted," and urged Republicans to "denounce her hateful remarks."

They needed no urging. John McCain's campaign slammed Coulter's statement as "wildly inappropriate." Mitt Romney's spokesman called it "offensive." Rudy Giuliani said "there should be no place for such name-calling in political debate."

But the candidates' rebukes were tepid compared with the scalding outrage from movement conservatives. "There are enough spewers of mindless filth, vulgarity, and hatred" in American life, fumed the influential Michelle Malkin . "We don't expect . . . that garbage at the nation's preeminent conservative gathering." The editors of RedState.com announced curtly that "Ann Coulter doesn't speak for us," and said it should be "the last time a candidate for public office willingly accepts her endorsement or appears on the same stage with her." Boston's Dean Barnett , a notable voice at HughHewitt.com , was concise in his appraisal: "Idiotic. Disgusting. Stupid. Moronic."

At GOPUSA.com, Cliff Kincaid blasted Coulter's "bizarre behavior and utterances" and urged the conservative weekly Human Events to drop her from its masthead. Rick Moran of Rightwing Nuthouse pronounced Coulter a "despicable woman" who "deliberately uses hate language to get a rise out of the left and get the rest of us talking about her." A slew of conservative bloggers simultaneously posted an open letter lambasting Coulter's invective as "intolerable" and "vicious," and urging that she henceforth be dropped as a speaker. "How can we teach young conservatives to fight for their principles with civility and respect," they demanded, "when Ann Coulter is allowed to address the conference?"

Meanwhile, Coulter wasn't the only performing pundit to say something appalling last Friday.

On his HBO talk show "Real Time," Bill Maher defended liberals who lamented that last week's terrorist attack in Afghanistan didn't kill Vice President Dick Cheney. "If this isn't China," Maher asked, "shouldn't you be able to say that? . . . I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn't be dying needlessly tomorrow." The audience applauded and laughed. A moment later Maher said it again, even more emphatically: "I'm just saying, if he did die, other people -- more people -- would live. That's a fact."

Considering the reaction to Coulter's crude taunt, it isn't surprising that Maher's all-but-explicit assassination fantasy triggered an avalanche of criticism. Except that it didn't. There was no statement from Howard Dean, no denunciation from the presidential campaigns, no storm of protest from liberal bloggers repelled by Maher's remarks.

Like Coulter, Maher has a history of repugnant statements. After a riding accident left Christopher Reeve crippled for life, for example, Maher praised the horse: "If you try to make a horse jump over something that it doesn't want to jump over, I think it really should throw you off its back." In November, he said on CNN that "the people who really run the underpinnings of the Republican Party are gay," specifically naming GOP chairman Ken Mehlman. But while Coulter's latest puerile insult drew lavish media attention, Maher's far more offensive remarks barely caused a ripple.

A Nexis search Monday turned up 91 stories mentioning "Ann Coulter and John Edwards" in the previous 2 1/2 days. There were four that referred to "Bill Maher and Dick Cheney." Google News listed more than 900 web pages dealing with Coulter/Edwards, but only 15 concerning Maher/Cheney.

If there is one thing America's polarized public discourse desperately needs, it is fewer smears and slurs. If there is another, it is an end to the double standard that loudly condemns hate speech when it comes from the right, while barely noticing when it spews from the left. Political passion has its place in the marketplace of ideas. Poison doesn't -- and neither does anyone who can't tell them apart.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 03:51 pm
Oh my. Again with the hypocrisy argument and trying to draw an equivalence between what Coulter said (and when and where) and what Maher said (and when and where).

Coulter is a pundit and was addressing CPAC and called Edwards a faggot in a place where one would expect more civilized debate.

Maher is a comedian on HBO, which you have to pay for to even watch. What he said doesn't compare to what Coulter said, and he certainly didn't say it where it could be taken to be speaking for the Libertarian party.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 05:24 pm
Good little ducky. Keep saying that and maybe it will be true.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 06:59 pm

If Bill Maher was an invited guest of an organization designed to bolster liberal influence in the Democratic party, at which several Democrats appeared seeking the organization's support, and he said, "Too bad the bomb didn't get Cheney", then yes, I can see your point.


Bill Maher's "Real Time" show on HBO is not a liberal organization. Several Democratic candidates were not present seeking "Real Time's" support. He is not publicly affiliated with the Democratic Party. He is not considered a Democratic spokesman in any way. He does not make a living going to Democratic gatherings to speak. Newspapers do not send him to Republican conventions to give the Democratic view.

And oh yes, as of a couple of years ago, he was pretty close friends with Anne Coulter.

So please tell me: WHY are Democrats compelled to rise up as one and denounce what he said?
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Brand X
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 09:43 pm
Oh the irony.

Matt Sanchez, who Coulter and Malkin so proudly got photo'd with, and who also recieved recognition at CPAC...is an ex gay porn star. He also voted for Hillary.

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Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2007 07:07 am
kelticwizard wrote:

If Bill Maher was an invited guest of an organization designed to bolster liberal influence in the Democratic party, at which several Democrats appeared seeking the organization's support, and he said, "Too bad the bomb didn't get Cheney", then yes, I can see your point.


Bill Maher's "Real Time" show on HBO is not a liberal organization. Several Democratic candidates were not present seeking "Real Time's" support. He is not publicly affiliated with the Democratic Party. He is not considered a Democratic spokesman in any way. He does not make a living going to Democratic gatherings to speak. Newspapers do not send him to Republican conventions to give the Democratic view.

And oh yes, as of a couple of years ago, he was pretty close friends with Anne Coulter.

So please tell me: WHY are Democrats compelled to rise up as one and denounce what he said?

Mahr was "invited" to speak on the Huffington Web Site. Even SHE was taken back by his comments and deleted them from her Blog.

The original question has never been addressed by the Looney Left.

What makes Coulter's disgraceful statement more significant than Mahrs disgraceful statement?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2007 07:20 am
here's a questin for the self righteous right... what about Mahers outrageous statement qualifies it as a defense for Coulters?
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