I don't care what kind of beans he spills, as long as he stops cutting the cheese. He's no good in the kitchen
Lots and lots of castor bean reports. This is Bush's WMD - the cause of the war. Please don't laugh; this is serious stuff.
prolly should have napalmed/agent organged the bean fields.
I think it was a serious, serious finding - tactical nuclear would have been in order! The famous nuclear castor bean busting bomb (NCBBB), Bush had his chance and blew it!
Ya know, i've no doubt that ol' Saddam wished he could turn them there beans into nerve agent, and unleash on us . . . i'll bet there are those in Iran who feel the same way--let's invade 'em . . . and Syria, no love lost there, i'm sure they think evil thougts, bomb 'em into the stone age . . . an them Yemeni's . . . an them Lybians, you know they're nourishin' a grudge, let's nuke 'em . . . let's get all them s.o.b.'s before they get us . . .
I assert that if beans can be construed as weapons of mass destruction, then Mexico is a direct and immediate threat.
We must invade and disarm them without delay.
Didn't we already do that?
You mean they've rearmed?
And think of the opportunities! We could launch an enormous industry making flush toilets. To account for some of the effects of those beans. And we could get expensive packaging design and equipment to market them.
I think Bush's punishment is coming in very unexpected ways. Ridicule has set in.
Blatham wrote:The reason Fifth Generation warfare holds such promise can be best understood if one imagines an audience of Palestinians watching on TV Ariel Sharon's fat wrinkly pinkening ass awash in fleshy waves from each blow.
Mr./Ms. Blatham, do not you find it indecent to use derogatory language toward the democratically elected leader of foreign country? I have never permitted myself any insulting statements regarding your Prime-Minister or H.R.M. Queen Elisabeth II, and I hope that you will resume civilized style of discussion.
SteissD - I have to agree. I think maybe that comment went a wee bit too far.
I have often thought that when it came to punishment - Nixon's fit. There was a man so hungry for power and fame he didn't care who or what he destroyed to get there. And in the end, he went down in disgrace. And lived to see that he was not honored; that he was not respected; that he was not called upon. (His vaunted trip to China was one he made). And when he died, his family had him buried in California rather than in Arlington, because they were afraid of public reaction.
I think Bush is halfway there, because he's already just a footnote rather than a major player. He just doesn't know it yet.
Oh Steissd!! When in Rome, etc. I don't know, but I'll betcha Sharon has been the butt of funny, nasty cartoons in Israel, not to mention elsewhere! Undoubtedly he has been among Jews in this country. The great thing about "democratically elected leaders" of any country is that they aren't immune to ridicule. Nor should they be. This is an international chat room. No one who's been insulting towards Sharon is actually sitting at a cafe in Jerusalem, enjoying Israeli hospitality while ridiculing Sharon. That indeed would be wrong.
Israeli hospitality
that's the first time in my life that I've heard or read those words used together
Well, Israeli hospitality exists, but it is not intended for either terrorists or anti-Semites. All the other people are welcome to visit the country.
Tartarin, I am not against criticism of anyone. Mr. Sharon is not God, so he has errors and transgressions of his own, and these can be discussed. But criticism, IMHO, implies argumented listing of wrongdoings without mentioning any body parts, especially pertaining to bottom.
Violet Lake
Have you perhaps been to Israel and are speaking from experience or is it your prejudice shining through?
There is always at least one in every crowd
Never been to Israel . . . every Israeli i've ever met in America, from those who spoke a faultless English, to those who spoke but haltingly, were always scrupulously polite, and i found everyone of them to be good-natured and affable . . . i'd think that if you brought no hostility through the door, you'd get a good reception . . .
Sorry folks, but I couldn't agree less. Steissd seems to have a love affair with Authority. So did a lot of Germans, once. I give Authority not an inch of deference where I think it not deserved and I think Sharon is a dangerous and racist fool, and likely pathological. As to Steissd's anti-semitic slur...none of us anywhere on the planet is more distant than a twentieth cousin of anyone else, and I'm not anti-family. I am rather strongly against dumb and illiberal ideas though, and the individuals who forward them.
Quote: As to Steissd's anti-Semitic slur
What anti Semitic slur? I believe there was one but it was not made by Steissd.
au, me prejudiced? How so? Because I criticize Israel? What about orthodox Jews who are against the state of Israel... are they anti semites?