If you tell a lie enough times, everyone will start to believe it. Get dirt on as many hands as you can manage and you can accomplish almost anything. In the game of life, the only thing that counts is winning. So...
I'm adopting a BELLIGIRENT MACHO NEOCONSERVATIVE outlook on life. From now on, people that don't agree with me are to be ridiculed, marginalized, and treated like the enemies they are. You're either with me, or you're against me. If you stand in my way, you'll find the sole of my boot on your face.
There's no reason to consider other points of view, and I certainly don't have to condescend to my enemies. If you don't agree with me, you're stupid, misguided, or just plain evil.
From now on my motto will be the neoconservative mantra - "The world is an ugly place. If we destroy it in the quest to make it better, oh well!"
cjhsa, call me "Violent Lake" if you need to, but I would rather be called "Violent 'the savage' Lake"