B. and I try to stay out of Atlanta. We have found a backroad to see the Grandchild.
Dear Diary,
It snowed last night and I didn't put the car in public garage - of course! Oh well, some morning exercise.
Spent another interesting day at work. Came home and had the chance to experience - once again - that men can only concentrate on one thing at a time...
Now I will do the dishes and later on go swimming. And on my way to the public pool I will put the car in the public garage. How's that for a fast learner!
New here at a2k!
Dear Diary,
This is my first post on this Diary, having posted many times before on abuzz.
To those who don't recognise my name from there, Hi !
To those who do - it's good to see you here. I've got Ossobucco to thank for inviting me to cross over and avoid the frustrations of a system which was creaking to a halt.
Don't know quite what to make of this forum, yet. I'll have to explore when I have the time.
Life is OK with me - feeling a bit 'down to earth' at the moment because I was travelling for skiing and then work for 3 weeks in January. Returning home is good, but now I've caught up on bills, etc. it's time to clean the flat, which I hate doing!
I'm also hoping that a certain woman will return my call so we can fix a date. We had dinner before my travels, which was very enjoyable, but I'm fearful that she's lost any interest that she once (may have) had. I'll let you know what the outcome is!
Take care, KP
dear diary ...
today I decided to get back with the abuzzers. <smiles> I wonder if it's because nimh's gone for the weekend or what ... but really it doesn't matter ... I think it might be a sign that I'm getting back in contact with people again. (it's been a hard year).
but I think, for now, I am going to stick to this topic, since my favorite thing to write about is me, anyway. <giggles> I'm on this forum for people with BPD (borderline personality disorder), but I'm getting all self-conscious because I feel like I am being ... too helpful (if ya know what I mean) - and I am spending WAY too much time talking about myself there. <g> so I guess ... yeah - I mean, here's a way to express myself ... AND indulge the exhibitionist in me. <smiles>
I like talking to people about their problems, though - and I DO think there is a lot to be learned by comparing experiences. I'm thinking about studying psychology and doing something in the self-help sector for people. Then I can write whole books about whatever I want. <g> (Not that I can't do that now.
When I was on Abuzz, before I started losing my mind and everything went all weird, I remember I was VERY comfortable - and VERY expressive, and I never felt self-conscious about it. <nods> I'm hoping to recapture that.
ok - that's me. <smiles>
<waves to everyone> hi.
Dear Dairy. OOps sorry, Diary. i'm so excited at being here on A2K, having gone cold turkey on Abuzz, with no side effects, could you possibly see your way clear to making 2003 a LEAP YEAR.
Thank you in anticipation. Have a nice day.
This is great seeing more friend show'n up! Just great!!!!
oak, I talked to the people at the atomic clock in Colorado, and the international date line in Greenwich, England. They have agreed to make this a leap year, because of your request. Here's your new calendar.
I hope you realize how much 'work' I went to satisfy your request for a leap year.
C.I. thank you -- you are a scholar, an officer and a gentleman. I'll have a word with HRH Our Mother and get you a Gong inscribed in words of gratitude.. hands across the sea.
oak, Thanks for the best of thoughts about me, but I'm not a scholar, but a dunce; not an officer, but (was) an enlistee; and not so much a gentleman, but an old fogie who can't hear, read, nor understand the English language very well.
C.I. === whatever, but you're doin' ok in my book
oak, That fiction y'r reading now is full of hyperbole. Ya know that, right?
Dear Diary
FINALLY! My X-Ray Glasses came in the mail today! They must be really high-tech because they don't work on family - I accidently had them on when I looked at mom's ass and I couldn't see anything - whew! Tomorrow I'll take them to school and wait for Valerie Weins in the cloak room.
Another detention today. I hate Old Liver-Lips Stapleton! You can see the spit flying off when he cackles. The school should give the first row kids raingear (hey, that's funny, I'll tell Bruno that one tomorrow, let me write on my hand so I'll remember).
Dad still hasn't noticed the five bucks!!!
Dear Diary,
I started cleaning the basement last night...an urge to get organized for spring yard work. This morning we went to Hardee's to join the other old folk for a biscuit and coffee. Then onto the trail around the lake (a big pond) amid the geese droppings, afterwards, we stopped by Krogers to invest our social security in foodstuffs and toilet paper. I feel a nap coming on.
dear diary ...
today was still a four day ... (on a scale of 0-10, 5 being "normal" and 0 being suicidal) - I'm doing ok with this being alone thing, but I've fallen in to a cycle of sitting at the computer and laying down on the bed - I'm afraid I won't sleep tonight.
it snowed - that was really cool! snowed for most of the day. I want to make a snowman with nimh when he comes home tomorrow ... but we've only got one pair of gloves. <g> we can make a small one - I'm sure I'll have the patience for that!
so we've got this sort of public pedestrian street that runs in front of our windows, and it's pretty busy, with people walking by all day. there's a ramp built inot the street - for bicycles, and this mother and son were using it as a sledding hill. (hills are scarce in holland - you take what you can get) - and the kid looks up at me, watching them through the window - I was FASCINATED! - and I'm like, all smiles and going, "Leuk, hey?" (That's like "that looks like fun!") It was kind of a cool moment.
Dear Diary, The bed for grandma came yesterday, and I had to assemble it. It's one of those futon beds that can be used as a sofa. I moved my computer equipment from the bedroom to the living room, so I'm facing the double glass doors that looks out onto our back yard. I can watch the flower grow.... Grandma will be coming next Friday or Saturday. c.i.
dear diary ...
I made a friend for life today.
Her name is Dilber (harder to pronounce, than it seems, as she warned me - it's a Kurdish name - but she herself is half Turkish/half Morrocan). She told me all this while standing a few feet below me - we had the conversation through my window. I had just told her that she reminded me of Barbora, one of the Slovak students I taught in Bratislava.
So she's out there with some of the usual gang of kids that hang out smoking weed outside our apasrtment. We live in the center of town, and these teenagers come in from the suburbs with nothing much to do but hang out.
They asked if they could come inside to smoke with me, and I said "No." Dilber asked me why - and I explained to her that when I came to this country, I didn't adjust very well because I moved here from ANOTHER country, and I was happy there, but my boyfriend was here (a very Borderline version of events, but time was short) - and so when I came here, I went crazy - and now I'm afraid of people. And she just accepted it. Then asked again if they could come inside because it was cold, and I was like - "Weren't you listening? I said I'm CRAZY - I might kill you!" and started giggling, and she's like, "No - you wouldn't do that"
Anyway, yeah, there was a long discussion setting the boundaries about them NOT coming into the house, and the boys left, and it was just the two girls, so she tried again, and, "No", I said - "Not even just you" and "sorry". So she said they had to wait for her friend to come pick them up - and asked if they could wait in the hall. It took a while to convince me - but I REALLY don't see the harm they could cause, and it's like -5 out there, so I let them in.
They kept knocking on the door. "Can I use you phone?" "Do you have any gum?" (Me: GUM??) And the last time - she says, "I'm sorry - this is the last time, I promise. Do you have one euro and ten cents? My boyfriend isn't going to take her (her companion) and she needs to take the bus"
I looked around for change in the house, but I only had twenty cents. I've also got a pile of cash, because I'm supposed to be opening a bank account, but the smallest I had was twenty euros.
I gave it to her and sent her to the store to buy me a candy bar.
I didn't think about it until she was gone - then I started kissing the money goodbye. But she came back. <smiles> She started to give me my change back, but I only took ten euros and told her to keep the rest. <shrugs> what could it hurt?
the moral: sometimes you get more than you ask for, so it's a good idea to be honest
** this moral is from the perspective of Dilber, though - not MY lesson.
My lesson was about not having an anxiety attack waiting for her to come back - and she was gone sooooooo long!
WELCOME anastasia. Glad to see you here. c.i.