Other than newbie readers here at a2k understand that many of us are, if not quite addicted, variously connected by internet umbilical cords to this site, sliver thin or thick ones. These are sometimes cut. Mine is probably viewable as a rolled up giant braid of mixed yarns and twigs.
I've also fallen under the spell of The Dish, the Andrew Sullivan blog.
I'm not clear if there are any other Dishheads here at a2k. I was a latecomer, maybe six months ago. Sullivan's blog has gone on from 2000-2015.
I remember Sozobe quoting him lots of times, probably with links that I never kept in my blog list.
How to describe him in a few words? Bright; good communicator, oral and written; opinionated: well read, analytic, insightful, emotional; able to say he was wrong and the whys (part of why people have liked the blog, and disliked the blog); good humor, which to me means sense of perspective; loves dogs. He's also catholic, gay, still politically conservative (I take it in the older sense), still Repubican.
I just read Friday is the last day. Oh, hell.
I'll give a link to one of the last bits I read, newest posts first, scroll up for later than this one.
I haven't been able to get through to give my email - it's that old triangle, my antique mac, myself, and captcha. Maybe I'll figure it out by Friday.
The dog behind his graphics -
More on the history -
There's a lot online about this too, at a glance on google, but I've not read up.