Do I hear an echo in the house?
Do I hear an echo in the house? Going from not hearing at all to hearing it twice.
Dear Diary,
another weekend almost over. I went out for dinner on Friday night with my sister and her ten year old son Michael. Then stayed in the restaurant with BigDice and friends for more wine :-)
Saturday started with a cup of coffee with two friends and a dog. A nice afternoon watching a movie with BigDice and more TV at night.
Today I went to the gym, cleaned the appartement and watched 'Panic Room'. Oh, I love Jodie Foster! Later on, I will open a bottle of nice red wine, cook myself some fresh pasta and enjoy Sunday night with the cats. A very good weekend!
Dear Diary, Today is the BIG DAY; Super Bowl Sunday. Most of us will be glued to our television sets today, to see who wins this national sporting event, the Bucs or the Raiders. It starts at 3:18 PM. "Go Raiders!" c.i.
Dear Diary
Boy, that was SOME date last night!! My first nun. Not my last.
Still happily pouring through "Love Poems of J Edgar Hoover". What an exceptionally tender man he was. And, I think, he has a real flair for the apt yet uncliched metaphor...
"Hank, oh Hank
you bruiser, you hunk of railroad,
meat in cufflinks"
Mailed out thirty job applications today. Big hopes for the taxi job, but we'll see. Mom sent cookies.
C.I. ===== ha ha, the Super Bowl. The prog starts at 11pm on the far side of the puddle and doesn't end till 3pm. So, out of curiosity, why does it take 4 hours of TV time to play what is meant to be a 60 minute game. Curiosity of course killed the cat.
You don't really have to ask the question you do? Its an american tradition to stretch high profile events to their breaking point for advertising purposes, and super bowl is the biggest advertising event of the year. The advertising itself is an event - much attention, even ratings and analysis of all the ads shown during the game. Last year PBS had a post-game show on the ADS. Tomorrow morning USA Today will have articles and the morning shows will have features on the best ads and worst ads and most and least effective ads. The tv coverage actually started on ESPN this morning and has continued all day. Here in the Tampa Bay area the coverage is non-stop. I want to make a joke about Florida's interest in this game versus their interest in voting, but can't think of one.
Those players get big bucks too. The winners get over $60K per and the losers get over $30K per. Not bad for 60 minutes of work/play.
OK Larry, I understand what you are saying. Major money spinner for loads of people. Our big sporting events over here get played up to a high level, again money talks, but there is only so much pre-match discussion you take before you go into trauma. Same with the adverts and the sponsors. The game tho is the motive, but it almost ends up as being a bolt on to everything else.
Do the games always live up to expectations or do you sometimes get a real bad "dog" of a game. Anyway I'll go and watch it and see how it goes.
Here's a Brit. viewpoint, I've just found, of what's lined up
Dear Diary, The Bucs looks better than the Raiders during the first half of this Super Bowl. I hope it's only an illusion, and the Raiders will come out on top when the time runs out in the last quarter...... c.i.
John, that article was very good with an informative description of the plays and the scoring.
My husband has been a fanatical Giants fan for years, so I know just a little about football, even though I don't especially like it. Today, when I was talking to my cousin, I asked her what inning the game was in; thank heaven my husband wasn't there to hear. I really know the difference between baseball and football--honest!
Larry, we live in Florida for several months out of the year. I get the impression that Floridians cheerfully vote early and often, but they view football with a religious fervor.
"The NFL announced tonight that starting next year, they will begin to have advertisements during the advertisements."
Yes, Diane, they are fanatics, their license plates say either GO BUCS or CHOOSE LIFE.
oldandknew - Just 5 to 10 years ago we would say that after all the buildup these games usually were a disappointment, but the last few years have seen some close games.
I gave up on football in the 80's when the evil Bob Irsay stole off to Indianapolis in the middle of the night with my Baltimore Colts.
Oh, poor c.i., here's a hanky.
Larry, since you live in Florida, would you like to join a group of a2kers in Coco Beach in April? Look for the thread titled, "Gathering in Florida?" We have a couple coming from Germany, Roger from New Mexico, Jerry from Boston, etc. It's a good group.
Thanks Diane. Its been mentioned a couple of times. I'm going to try -depends on the status of a new job I just interviewed for.
Dear Diary, Are we over the pain yet? c.i.
Dear Diary,
My eldest daughter and I had a telephone conversation
several nights ago, where once again she got angry with
me and hung up the phone on me.
I gave her some time to simmer down and think things
over... and then I called to talk with her again. And I
actually found the PRESENCE OF MIND to ask her a
very simple question. I asked her "would it be possible
that - in the future- when I am yanking your chain, or
aggravating the crap out of you - or just being the worry
wart mothering type that I tend to be - THAT YOU COULD
Period. And you know what? She said yes, she could
manage to do that. And I assured her that if she says
that to me - then I will know what it is that I do that
drives HER bonkers, so I can make my best effort to
discontinue treating her in a certain way - or interfering
in her life - or saying things that she thinks put her down
or discount her abilities (none of these do I INTEND to
do, though I will readily admit that there may be plenty
of things that I say which could easily be considered as
evidence that I don't have any faith in HER abilities)
After so much talking about the oldest daughter and
mother relationship here and with friends - I think that
I may finally managed to say something in the right
way, or at least something that SHE could understand.
NOW - we have an agreement and it looks like a really
easy one to keep from my end - nor does it ask alot
from her - other than to remember instead of getting
angry and throwing a fit - just TELL ME!
All my hopes and prayers that my oldest daughter and
I would one day be able to have a relationship that was
not fraught with danger here, there and everywhere -
where I end up walking on eggshells because I don't get
what she means or wants - where we can't seem to get
far enough past anger to communicate .... it looks like
We are going to be visiting with her at the end of this
month & I am SO excited to see what changes this will
bring about between the 2 of us. I know there are no
easy ways to go, and there is still work to do - but I can
see a light at the end of THIS tunnel - FINALLY!
I can see a possible solution where before there was none!
Hi Mapleleaf, How are things in Atlanta? c.i.