Today I woke up with a bit of a hangover

unfortunately I didn't even go out and have any fun. I just stayed home, drank some beer, played my super nintendo, and watched a movie. No fun there :-( Anyway, I came on my computer early this morning and my day started off with an email from a guy I ordered something from ebay. I ordered this item from this guy on Oct 12 and I wrote to him last week to tell him I didn't recieve it yet. Well, he wrote me right back and told me to let him know if I didn't get it by wed and he'd send me another one. Anyway, I waited until yesterday to write him back and again he sent me another email telling me to call him so we can figure out what happened to it. Then I had to write the man back to explain to him that calling long distance from Canada is very costly (he's in the US) and gave him my # and told him to feel free to call me if he'd like. So he can't call right now because I'm on the computer

but my question is how could a phone call between us figure out where the item is? My second question is, if he has any questions, why doesn't he ask me through email? Am I missing something?
That was the beginning of my morning. Not long after that I decided to go to the store because there was a snow storm coming in. I get to the store and the woman who works there was complaining that her boss keeps adding on to her job and she's getting tired. I see how hard she works and I don't blame her for being frustrated.
Not long after I got home it started snowing like crazy. I hear we are suppose to get about a foot today. Days like these just make me want to do nothing eccept sip hot cocoa, listen to Christmas songs, and play on my computer and I think that's exactly what I'm going to do :-D