Dear Diary,
I wrote a long entry, but my PC crashed when I went to post it - so I am a bit pissed off. But never mind, I will try and recreate it again.
3rd day in Prague and we have some snow outside. Thank god for that, the temps have risen to a more bearable level (-2 right now) - looks like it will be a good evening to go out to the Christmas market and do some shopping (I promised all my friends that I will get them Christmas gifts from Prague, but havent bought a single thing as yet

Last evening began as very nice, became interesting later, then a bit embarassing and then....well I don't know, by that time I was too drunk

After leaving work, spent sometime with my czech bf (well not technically a bf but I have been seeing him now for 3 yrs, but only when I come to Prague) - every moment spent with him is magical !! Had to join my collegue and my Managing Director, who are here with me in Prague, as they wanted to have a group night together, and as a good corporate citizen I had to comply (how could I say to my MD

) So reluctantly left Petr at 2230 and joined them at a bar. My MD turned out to be "Chilled Out Dude" which was very surprising - as he was always the quiet type back in London and wore his "senior management" hat very prominently. He insisted on taking us to a gogo bar (which he had found and promised amazing girls) and buying us drinks there. So we ended up in a place which was aptly named "Banana Club" - I have to admit, the girls were stunning the music was great, and we were having a great time !! And the booze kept flowing. There was a male dancer who was verrrry sexy, but being with my MD and collegue (I am not out at work) I was sort of keeping away from him (though checking him out discreetly). After he finished his show, he came and stood next to me - and I just toasted him with my drink and commented on how good he danced. And that started him off - he started chatting me up !!! And it got very embarassing, as you can imagine, but we did end up exchanging phone numbers! And when he got on to dance next, we was pointing at me with one hand and making suggestive movements (u know what kind) !!! My MD and my collegue are still ribbing me abt it LOL
But a great evening all in all - we have a staff Christmas party today - so more partying and I go back to London tomorrow evening - weekend will be spent recovering.