sozobe quoted some young feminists, as having said--"All heterosexual sex is rape".

What the heck! The world has gotten far nuttier than I had imagined.
soz-- I don't guess we need to start another topic, as we agree on abstinence. It is a neat thing to 'make your own choice' about 'waiting for marriage', but to tell your kids you expect them to adhere to this, and they have committed a major life failure if they don't/can't is cruel. And, to deny them life-saving info on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy, date rape et al is criminal, IMO. Second all your bullhooeys.
I do think teaching the option of abstinence is a good thing, as long as it's taught side-by-side with sex ed.
Would be VERY interested to hear how the young feminists backed up their claim about "All hetero sex is rape"...