Well, I had to say it out loud 3 times before it registered.
It still hasn't registered with me.
Bophades nuts =
Both of these nuts.
It’s a bad joke because it’s crass
Same here. I’ll try it again after more coffee ☕️ .
{edit: ohhh! I got it}
it was achilles' heel, not his ankle.

Guess my mind doesn't think that way. But it's bad, so it fits this thread. Not funny at all.
snood wrote:
Bophades nuts =
Both of these nuts.
It’s a bad joke because it’s crass
I got it...but wanted not to get it.
It reminded me too much of an old joke with the punch line, "Boffus?"
The operative word in the joke was about a photographer, "Focus."
Told my mate that we just caught a huge carpet snake in the roof....
He said...."how many feet?"
Silly bloke..... it's a snake!
I had a cow who just wandered into a field of marijuana.
The steaks have never been so high…
Today a clown’s face appeared on my toast.
I think it was Crusty
Wilso wrote:
Told my mate that we just caught a huge carpet snake in the roof....
He said...."how many feet?"
Silly bloke..... it's a snake!
It must have been a carpet python, found in Australia.
I heard that seven of the ten deadliest snakes are found on that continent including the diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular and monocular trouser snake.
A man was working in the garden and his wife was about to take a shower.
He couldn't find the rake, and yelled up to his wife,
"Where is the rake?"
She couldn't hear and she shouted back:
"What's your problem"?
He pointed to his eye, and then pointed to his knee and made a raking motion.
Not sure what he was on about, she shouted:
"What are you on about"?
He repeated the gestures. "Eye - Kneed - The Rake"
His wife indicated that she understands and signals back.
She first points to her eye, next she points to her left breast, then she points to her backside, and finally to her crotch.
Well, there is no way in hell he could even come close to that one.
Exasperated, He went upstairs and asked her, "What the hell was that?"
She replies:
"Eye - Left Tit - Behind - The Bush."
The inventor of auto-correct has died.
His funnel is tomato
During a routine check up, the doctor says to his patient, “You’re going to have to stop masturbating.”
Concerned, the man asks “Why, doc?”
“Because I’m trying to examine you”, the doctor replies.
My wife just called me a sex machine.
Her exact words were “you’re a f@cking tool”, but I knew what she meant.
My wife threatened to smash my face into the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer. She sounds angry but I think she’s jokigfsgrgs7(67&rbnfuy
Here's a question for all the mind readers out there.
I’m worried about my friend who hoards magazines. I think he has issues.