Eorl wrote:echi,
Another way of seeing this debate is to think about how far you want to go to police abortion laws (once you've established that you feel you have the right to do so). How do you do it?
To my mind, it's easy to see unsafe, illegal, dangerous, late abortions as being much worse than safe legal early ones.
The morning after pill seems like an even better idea.
I know we can't stop someone from having an abortion. I just want society to stop telling people that it's okay. Very often, it's kids who get themselves in the situation of having to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. They see that abortion is legal and, therefore, it must be an acceptable thing to do. "It's only the evolution-deniers who have a problem with it."
The morning after pill? Maybe. I don't know if it would help or hurt, but I don't see anything implicitly wrong with it.
One thing that would help, a lot, is good sex education.
I have deep convictions about this, but I am not involved in this debate (outside of a2k). I don't keep up with all the political details. I understand that the two sides help define each other's positions, and it may, in fact, be disastrous to outlaw abortion because of the overzealous intentions of the "pro-lifers". I have to say, hangin' out on this side, I almost feel like a traitor. I agree with them on this and other issues, but usually for very different reasons.
Hmmm. That leaves me with a question for real life (kinda the same question you asked me!):
If we were to succeed in making abortion illegal, how should we then deal with people who would seek out or perform an abortion?