When you use a term like moral right, you are stacking infinites... Moral forms cannot be defined, again, because they are infinite, and morality is a moral, which is to say, spiritual form, and one we find essential to health or wellbeing, and generally, to happiness, which of course demands survival as a predicate... And rights are a moral form as well... At its most basic we may suggest that a right is any power or freedom, another moral form, essential to life... At the extreme we may say a right is a power, or freedom essential to happiness, another moral form... That is about how we deal with moral forms, defining them in terms of other infinites, so stacking them does not help...
At some point, if we agree that political equality is a right, and that the free exercise of rights is a form of justice, then one must be free some place to be free any place... One must have some refuge of freedom such as ones room, or ones physical space, or in body, or mind, at a minimum, to be thought free... And what one does with ones self in ones space may be at root immoral, but that freedom must be allowed to people if they would engage freely, and act independently as a free society requires... We can stand a few people acting immorally in their bedrooms, houses, and persons because the price of denying such freedom is tyranny absolute... It is when a whole society becomes immoral, and demoralized that they are in trouble, and We Are in Trouble...
It is immoral to kill ones own unless required to do so for peace or justice... It is moral to defend ones own, and the rights of ones own to the death... That is traditional morality; that blood is thicker than water.... If any mother feels she must kill her own life, the life of her own because she cannot bear to share slavery with that one, or if the price of demanding civil and equal rights for that one in the commonwealth is too great, then she is demoralized, defeated, and a true slave beyond hope... We all need to defend the rights of the young, and look at those who seek love out of the devestation and destruction of their society as the most hopeful and promising of people...
We have no love... WE hate those little babies, and begrudge them their lives because we are overburdened, and look at every new mouth as a thief of what little we own... It is because we have too long shared our civil rights with property, and that is immoral, and demoralizing and it is destroying our society as we watch... You must understand, that if you read history, that morality, the morality we once all shared and which brought us intact out of primitive conditions surrounded by enemies, also survived until money and wealth made one the master of another, and it is that division over wealth that was the destruction of many societies, and that, for example, is the primary conflict in the dialogues of Plato, because their society was being destroyed by wealth and inequality...
We are in trouble, and those who kill their babies do not do so for themselves... They do it for us, so they will not have to challlenge us where we live to live up to our Christian principals... What free mother would not wish to share freedom with her children, and what slave mother ever welcomes a baby into slavery??? It is impossible for slaves to be moral, and we have become a nation of slaves waiting only for a moral people or a new morality to defeat us... Consider that the Roman's and the Greeks had their birth control and abortion...
They found their lives meaningless, too meaningless to share, and their society caved in around their ears... The Christians castrated theirs just like the pagans, and sold their daughters into prostitution for a mite... They died as a society because they had no self love, nothing to share, and no reason to live beyond the next party or plate of food... That is how societies die, on the way from feast to vomitorium, and when their boredom grows too great, or as old age creeps in, they open their veins and become so much rotting meat... Societies die of immoraltiy just as they become great with immorality... They take the easy way out of existence... And there is nothing easy about morality...