I know I came across blunt, good, thats the way I like it.
Quote:I guess I describe intellectual honesty a little differently.
Intellectual honesty?
Whatever that is. Mabee brutal honesty? Whatever it is, I just call it as I see it.
The political position typified by Xenoche is not honest in my estimation. It is contradictory and cowardly.
Here we go...
To equate the unborn who is slashed to pieces by a razor sharp scalpel in a D&C abortion..........
Honestly, i'm hurting. On the inside...
.............or the unborn who is chemically burned to death inside and out by saline solution, having inhaled the saline into the lungs and dying slowly and painfully...............
I think I might cry...
...............or the baby who is just a few days from delivery that is pulled down the birth canal feet first and completely out except the head, which is then punctured in the back of the lower skull and the brains sucked out with a vacuum in a partial birth abortion..........
I hear violins...
........to equate this with someone who takes upon themselves the risk of smoking and dies of a smoking related illness is simply dishonesty of the highest order.
Oh thats right, thiers a difference between someone who kills himself and the killing of unborn whipper snappers, sorry.
Ok, Real Life, I know you think i'm an idiot, ( dont lie

) and thats fine, most of my time I think i'm an idiot too, so your not the only one.
As for being cowardly, sure, i'm a wimp, so what.
I'm also pretty blatantly ignorant, so what.
Ok, now that all my personal traits are on the table, let me say something, please

You see abortion as killing, thats pretty obvious.
I see abortion as an option, thats not to say it isnt killing.
So in a nutshell, yes, I don't see any problem with a mother aborting (killing) thier baby.
Cowardly enough for you.
If I make no sense, tell me and i'll go and never return to this forum again.