Sorry to have rearranged your post. Just trying to be efficient.
RABEL222 wrote:Not only that but I believe that a child is not considered able to make decisions until they are 12 or so.
It was a tongue in cheek suggestion. But, consider it for a moment: Suppose you were to reach the age of 12 only to be told your mother had considered abortion, but waited until now to offer the pro
choice to you. What choice would you be likely to make? Just a guess, but I am thinking you would lean pro
life.Let me know if you would have chosen otherwise.
RABEL222 wrote:It seems that you all want to force a woman to carry a child to term no matter how she was impregnated. . . Sounds like another way to enforce anti abortion.
I don't know about the motives of others. AS for me, I can't envision any attempt to rewrite legislation or even define what is moral. But I would hope to have folks get their definitions straight.
Regarding the unborn, is it only a matter of viewpoint?
Zygote or Baby?
Fetus or Infant?
Clump of cells or Human?
Abortion or Legalized Infanticide?