If you please, this is the horse I would love to ride for the day. I saw North American Spotted Draft horses on a ranch near my uncle's place. They are used to pull a wagon in Arizona during the winter and spend the summer in Colorado where it is much cooler and more comfortable for them.
When I was petting a couple of these horses at the fence, the others soon came over, wanting to be cuddled and petted as well. They are enormous, beautiful, gentle giants, with the sweetest temperaments and plenty of patience with people who are far from being expert riders.
Such gorgeous horseflesh to be found here.
P&L and stradee, loved your posts. You are both very good mommies.
John, your horse poem was touching and so true. They are noble, true friends, although they can have a mischeivous sense of humor. My cousin's horse loved to steal men's wallets out of their back pockets, then rear back laughing, playing keep-away.
Viz, as long as you watch for John's wife's rolling pin, you will find him to be an absolutely delightful flirt. He natters like no other, with a little cockney thrown in for fun.LOL
Gautam, the ceremony you describe must be an exquisite experience to see, (as long as the couple aren't afraid of heights).
Cobalt!! It is a great treat to see you again.!
Our sons are here for a week, so a quick sip of champagne and I'm off for family catch up.
Btw, I found a series of stories on how men describe and talk to, their penises. I started a thread on the subject at:
I copied the first three sets of stories because some couldn't make the link work. Funny, I think the women are more comfortable with the subject than are the men, with the exception of our own, wonderful oak (John).
Lola, good luck with the move. I know how you've wanted this and now it is happening. Good luck. I can hardly wait to meet you at the Albuquerque gathering.