Joe Nation wrote:Forget this whole line of argument. Tico, having no facts of his own, made up a slur about being fat. Schoolyard bully calls names. There. There's the headline. Is it news?
Joe(I never saw a conversation I didn't want to butt into with an attempt at clever writing based on my own ideological leftist perceptions)Nation says I "made up" a slur about Maines being fat. Yet he ignores that Maines is frequently referred to as "
the fat one" by persons who are not fans of the group. I believe it helps them identify which one she is. He also ignores that it was McG who first said "
I heard the fat one had her stomach stapled." Joe's immediate reply was to post a picture of the Chicks, and disclaim any knowledge of which one of the three was "the fat one." I, then, in an effort to help out Joe and others who may be ignorant of which one of the group McG was referring to, identified which of the three was "
the ex-'fat one'," Natalie Maines ... "the one in the middle." So, it's clear that my effort was to help identify the unknown singer, and to identify that she was formerly fat, not currently fat. Joe ignores those facts (a transgression that I'm sure will cause JTT to castigate him momentarily), and instead claims that I've "made up a slur" about Maines ... a claim that is completely without basis or factual support.
That's what's pathetic.
BTW, KW says she was never "fat," just heavier than she is now. Some people prefer the euphamism, "big boned." Whatever floats your boat.
As I said, "
ex-'fat'". "Ex" .... as in "formerly" or "used to be, but no longer." Oh, never mind.
And BTW, here's that photo before it was airbrushed: