carrie wrote:All in all, I love it in every sense!!! yay for oral sex!!!! he he
Hi Carrie,
Welcome to A2K. I hope you like it here.
Just remember, One swallow does not a Summer make! :-)
Thanks for weighing in Carrie! Welcome to a2k.
The first sex joke I heard was from a woman.

Ahem, let me just say, my wife used to be gay....

Welcome to A2K Carrie, your posts so far have been wonderful. Keep it up!
Has anyone ever bitten off more than they could chew.
Has anyone ever been left with a sour taste in their mouth.
Has anyone ever said to their partner, "I've got a bone too pick with you"
Or is it a case of eat, drink and be merry and can I have a refill.
re: oral sex
I get my news online, talk to friends and relatives online, pay my bills online, do my banking where can I get me some of this here oral sex????????
Re: re: oral sex
That70sGuy wrote:I get my news online, talk to friends and relatives online, pay my bills online, do my banking where can I get me some of this here oral sex????????

Yo, guy. Has anyone ever told you that you look like...ah...ah...damn, the name escapes me right now. Senior moment, you know.
But he was the guy who was president for 8 years and did one hell of a lot better job than the guy who is playing at being president right now.
This might help you out, guy.
You'll have to get more advanced than this guy, though.
Whoa....been there...done that! The amazing things limber teenage bodies can do that old guy bodies won't. Last time I tried that was about 6 months after my first wife left me and I pushed the bathroom sink off the wall and flooded the whole house before I could find the hidden water shut off valve.....try explaining that to a plumber!
PS to Frank Apisa, I am in total agreement with you!
Luckily, on lonely nights, when the mrs. is away, I don't have to bend over so far, ahem
cavfancier wrote:Luckily, on lonely nights, when the mrs. is away, I don't have to bend over so far, ahem

LOL!! ROTFLMAO! got any fish'n stories?
Heh heh, yeah, the one that got away
Huh. If you were anyone who worked around me, I'd say it was so easy because, once you popped your head out of your arse, the trip 'round the berry patch was a short one.
But, since you don't, I'll have to hold onto that thought until I can use it.
Actually, since this thread has come back, as it were, I have been wanting to say all along - how the heck would we ever know which gender enjoyed oral sex more, unless we had each been able to feel the feelings of a representative sample of both genders during oral sex with good partners?
I have no way of knowing what another woman's orgasms feel like, much less a man's!
I have sometimes wondered if instruments like the didgerodoo were invented initially by lonely men wondering if.....
Well, it does pre-date the introduction of sheep to Oztralia...
Uncle Tiresias told me it was great for both sexes, I took his word for it....
Never doubt a dude in a toga.
He was Greek. "He" said women enjoyed sex more - but I think he was a legend in his own time....