and we know that how, Lola?
I mean, it might be like a manicure, which is always better when someone else does it. Or it might be like laundry, which is definitely better when I do it for myself.
I don't think a
woman is physically equipped to have fellatio performed on herself...
Well, Ehbeth......I suppose I don't really know for sure, but somehow I feel I do know. It's always better, more exciting, I think if two people are enjoying sexual sensations together rather than one alone. But then, I think it's better if someone else does my laundry too. :-)
hmmmm, i could take this further, but i think i'll save it. some things i don't want to post where my dad might be reading
Speaking for ehBeth's dad (who asked me to peak in on her birthday), I can say that there is nothing either one of us want to say on this matter.
Why do you keep saying it, then?
I think there IS something you want to say.
Lola - a partner, man or woman, who one finds acceptable, is not always available.
Ears pricked to see how Blatham responds to challenge.....heehee...
Umm, what would they be wearing when they do my laundry?
I'll have you know that I attended an exclusive school for the seriously challenged. It's staff, Sisters of the Sepulchre of the Bleeding Virgin, which was the single order of nuns to remain active within the SS, could teach all of us moderns a few things about the ins and outs of gratification and not. They too had nothing to say on this matter.
Just had to share this joke. c.i.
An elderly couple are sitting around one evening when the man says to his wife, "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary.
We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about. Tell me the truth. Have you ever been unfaithful to me?"
Marsha hesitated a moment, then said, "Yes, Sidney, three times."
"Three times? How could that happen?" Sidney asks.
Marsha replied, "Well, do you remember right after we were married and we were so broke that the bank was about to foreclose on our little house?"
"Yes, dear, those were really difficult times," replied Sidney.
"And remember when I went to see the banker one night, and the next day the bank extended our loan?"
"Gosh, that's really hard to take," said Sidney. "But since things were so bad at the time, I guess I can forgive you. What was the second time?"
"Well," Marsha continued, "do you remember years later when you almost died of that heart problem because we couldn't afford an operation?"
"Yes, of course," said Sidney. "Then you will remember that right after I went to see the doctor, he performed the operation at no cost?"
"Yes, I remember," said Sidney, "and as much as that shocks me, I do understand that you did what you did out of love for me, so I forgive you. So, what was the third time?"
Marsha lowered her head and said, "Do you remember when you ran for president of your golf club and you needed 62 more votes?"
ok ok ok....
at thirteen, I would have tried anything imagined and possible, as mother's electrolux might testify. But in the ripeness of these years of actual access to the scrumptious gender, I think I shall decline the offer to descend the full distance from 69 to 0.
LOL - curiosity killed.......
They could, but it is not polite to talk when one's mouth is full.
(And I'm still trying to parse Lola's latin. What we need here is a cunning linguist to straighten things out, or, rather, bring them out in the open.)
Polymorphous perversity has many twists and turns. If you're still struggling with my Latin, please refer to the 70s guy's last post in which he expressed interest in whether "the average woman would perform auto-fellatio on herself." If this doesn't make it all clear.........I can only offer one more clue. Please try to be open minded about the use of symbolism when interpreting another's Latin constructions.
BTW, 70s Guy, the word, when hyphenated is in the a2k spell checker.
Lacking access to an appropriate partner can be a problem, I do understand. Thank you for that explanation. While I can do my own laundry, I have been known to wait long periods of time in order to have my laundry done by someone other than myself. And when that opportunity presents itself, I get lots of laundry done.
As for those who have nothing to say on the subject............I have nothing to say about that.
i like it if someone knows what hey are doing, otherwise/ go away. but the way to recieve it good is communication. its key. people who have goo communication have good sex because they know what the other person likes and dislikes.
aimeemarie123 wrote:i like it if someone knows what hey are doing, otherwise/ go away. but the way to recieve it good is communication. its key. people who have goo communication have good sex because they know what the other person likes and dislikes.

I am adept at communicating goo.
That's why the girls call him goo goo face.
Hey, at least they call me. ;-)