I knew I liked you, Dys, for more then the usual reasons. Here's my story:
In 1973 I married this young woman with a babychild boy A____ from her first marriage. He was a joy to me. Soon we had another babyboy B__ and a family, but not for long. Right after I adopted A_____ , his mom took off with my best friend and I was left with two kiddos to care for.
I did it for a long time on my own.
Then I got married again. This time there were no more kids, except the woman I married. She did her damnedest to screw things up, and A_____ played right into her hands by screwing up in school and being a pissant around the house.
(He was a joy to watch on a soccer field, natural head fake, perfect poise in the most frantic conditions, a red-haired streak.)
The childwoman got the childboy to ask to move to his
real mother's house in California.
He went.
There were a couple of visits to see me and his brother -oh, did I mention the childwoman left right after she got A_____ to leave?? yeah, shitty.
Anyway, years passed, a lot of them. I always sent Christmas and birthday stuff and I always got some kind of thank you by phone or card, but that was all. Eleven years of that, wow.
So, later, married again (Holy moly) both kids grown. New wife (A certified saint) embraces long lost son and gets him to come to New York where we try to re-establish a relationship. It's tough. He doesn't know me from nothing. I don't know him either. He's had it very rough. Drugs, jail, bad stuff. I don't care and the rest of my family chimes in and welcomes back, I wish I could avoid this phrase, the prodigal son.
There's a new girlfriend who becomes his wife and soon there is a babyboy.... .
All's well, right?
Well, no. It didn't take. A______ couldn't connect with this bunch of strangers, this other world, I think he tried but we were strangers, nice strangers, but still... so he left us again.
I haven't seen or heard from him in three years now. I hear he and his wife now have two babys ... .
So, do I have one son or two?
I have two, one I hear from weekly who has the sweetest grin and plays drums in a hard rock band out of Dallas and another whom I now believe I shall never see again except in memories of soccer games from long ago Spring mornings.
I love them both.
Oh yeah, this is why your post caught my eye, Dys.:
Today is A_____'s birthday. He's thirty-eight years old.
Happy Birthday, A_____. wherever you are.
Joe(your old man)Nation