My Holocaust Problems

Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 12:55 pm
By Giuseppe Furioso
[email protected]

The Holocaust consists of three basic elements: (1) Approximately six million Jews were deliberately killed. (2) These killings were part of a state sponsored program on the part of the Third Reich whose ultimate goal was the total eradication of the Jewish people. (3) The bulk of these murders took place in special death camps where the principal mechanism of execution was the homicidal gas chamber that utilized Zyclon B, a commercial pesticide whose active ingredient was hydrogen cyanide.

That the Third Reich possessed the technological and administrative means to carry out such a vast amount of killing there is little doubt. The Soviet Union with significantly inferior assets in these areas was able to kill far greater numbers of human beings. Furthermore, the armies of the Third Reich succeeded in killing at least ten million of its heavily armed military opponents in the course of World War II. Hence the killing of six million unarmed civilians should not have presented any unique problems to such an industrially advanced and bureaucratically efficient state as Nazi Germany, on the contrary, it would have been far easier.

My doubts about the Holocaust are not centered on whether it could have happened but whether it did happen. In fact many of the doubts that I have are a direct consequence of the fact that I have no doubt that it actually could have happened...but certainly not in the ways that have been described thus far in the "official" literature.

It is part of the Western tradition in legal, scientific and intellectual matters that those asserting something have the burden of proof and that those who disagree are not required to provide evidence. This tradition however has been turned on its head regarding the holocaust since the "historical truth" of the holocaust has been posited in advance. Furthermore, even to express doubts can result in criminal penalties in at least 11 so-called democratic countries and the ruining of lives and careers in numerous others.

Listed below are some of the "problems " I have with the Holocaust. Should these be cleared up it would go a long way toward my accepting it - they are in no particular order.

1) Why did Elie Wiesel and countless other Jews survive the Holocaust if it was the intention of the Third Reich to eliminate every Jew they got there hands on? Elie was a prisoner for several years; other Jews survived even longer. Most of these "survivors" were ordinary people who did not have any unique expertise that the Germans could have exploited for their war effort. There was no logical reason for them to be kept alive. The very existence of more than a million survivors even today, some sixty years later, contradicts one of the basic components of the holocaust i.e. that the Germans had a policy to eliminate every Jew they got their hands on.

2) Why is their no mention of the Holocaust in Churchillâ·s six volume History of the Second World War or the wartime memoirs of either De Gaulle or Eisenhower or any of the other lesser luminaries who wrote about the Second World War. Keep in mind all these were written years after the war ended and thus after the holocaust had been allegedly proven by the Nuremberg Trials? With regard to the Holocaust, the silence of these " cognoscenti " is deafening!

3) What was an inmate infirmary (and a brothel) doing in Auschwitz if in fact it was a death camp?

4) Why would the Germans round up Jews from their far flung empire, thereby tying up large numbers of personnel and rolling stock, while fighting a world war on two fronts to deliver people to "death camps" hundreds of miles away who were then executed upon arrival - wouldn't a bullet on the spot have appealed to legendary German sense of efficiency?

5) Why after sixty years have historians been unable to come up with a single German document that points to a holocaust? Should we believe the likes of Raul Hilburg that in the place of written orders there was an "incredible meeting of the minds" by the literally tens of thousands of people who would have had to coordinate their actions in order to carry out an undertaking of this magnitude.

6) How come it is still insisted upon that six million Jews were killed when the official Jewish death toll at Auschwitz, the flagship of the Holocaust gulag, has been reduced from an immediate post war figure of 3 million, to a figure of somewhat less than one million? Why do many respond to this observation by saying, " what's the difference whether it's six million or one million". The answer is that the difference is five million. Another difference is that saying so can get you three years in an Austrian jail...just ask David Irving!

7) All of Germany's wartime codes were compromised including the one used to send daily reports from Auschwitz to Berlin. The transcripts of these messages make no mention of mass executions or even remotely suggest a genocidal program in progress. Furthermore it has been insisted that the Germans used a kind of euphemistic code when discussing their extermination program of the Jews e.g. final solution, special treatment, resettlement, etc. Why was it necessary for them to use such coded euphemisms when talking to one another unless they thought their codes had been cracked by the Allies?

8 ) The water table at Auschwitz lies a mere 18 inches below the surface which makes claims of huge burning pits for the disposal of tens of thousands of victims untenable.

9) Initially claims were made that mass executions in homicidal gas chambers had taken place in camps located within the boundaries of the old Reich e.g. Dachau, Bergen-Belsen. "Evidence" to that effect was every bit as compelling as what was offered for other camps, located in occupied Poland, yet without explanation in the early sixties we were told that this was not the case and that all the "death camps" were located in the East i.e. Poland outside (some would say conveniently) of the probing eyes of western scholars.

10) No one has been able to reconcile the eyewitness accounts that personnel entered the gas chambers after twenty minutes without any protective gear and the fact that Zyclon B was a "time release" fumigant that would have had a lethal capability for at least another twenty-four hours. And that even after twenty-four hours the corpses would have themselves remained sufficiently contaminated by the hydrogen cyanide gas that they would have had the capacity to kill anyone who touched them who were not wearing protective gear.

11) Why do we no longer hear claims that the Germans manufactured soap, lamp shades and riding britches from the bodies of dead Jews - could it be that in the light of modern forensics and DNA knowledge these claims are totally untenable?

12) Why do we no longer hear claims that huge numbers of Jews were exterminated in massive steam chambers or electrocuted on special grids - "evidence" of this was presented at Nuremberg - evidence that sent men to the gallows.

14) Elie Wiesel has been described as "the Apostle of Remembrance" yet in his memoir, "Night" which deals his stay at Auschwitz he makes no mention of the now infamous homicidal gas chambers. Isn't this a bit like one of the Gospels making no mention of the Cross?

15) Virtually every survivor who was examined at Auschwitz says that he or she was examined by the infamous Dr. Mengele.

16) According to survivor testimony, hundreds of thousands of Jews were executed at Treblinka and then buried in mass graves in the surrounding area. Why is it that extensive sonar probing of these burial grounds reveals that this alleged final resting place for Holocaust victims has remained undisturbed since at least the last ice age?

17) "Proof" of the holocaust rest primarily on survivor testimony; there little if any hard evidence. The best of this has been described by Jean Claude Pressac as merely "criminal traces". Even Judge Grey who presided at the Irving-Lipstadt Trial commented that he was surprised the evidence pointing to the Holocaust was "extremely thin". To paraphrase Arthur Butz, "a crime of this magnitude would have left a mountain of evidence" - where is it? There was more hard evidence against OJ Simpson at his trial and he was FOUND INNOCENT!

18) Why has Holocaust Revisionism been criminalized in at least eleven countries - what other historic truth needs the threat of prison or the destruction of one's career to maintain itself. Should someone be sent to prison for expressing skepticism about the official Chinese claim that they suffered thirty-five million dead in World War II.

19) Why do the court historians insist that "denying the Holocaust" is like denying slavery or saying the earth is flat when it is nothing of the sort. The leading Revisionists are first rate scholars who hold advanced degrees from the world's leading universities. Is there anyone comparable among those who say the world is flat or that slavery never existed?

20) Promoters of the Holocaust have expressed concerns about the remembering the holocaust once the last survivors die. Why haven't Civil War historians expressed similar concerns since the last survivor of that conflict died in 1959.

21) Survivors of the holocaust have testified that smoke billowed from the crematoriums as they consumed the bodies of murdered victims - some eyewitnesses even claimed they could detect national origins by the color of the smoke. How can this be reconciled with the fact that properly operating crematoriums do not produce smoke of any color?

22) According to the official version of the Holocaust hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were rounded up in mid 1944 and sent to Auschwitz where most were gassed immediately upon arrival and their bodies were disposed of by burning in huge open air pits using railroad ties and gasoline. Why is that there is no evidence of these huge funerary pyres in the high resolution surveillance photos taken by Allied aircraft who were over flying the camp on a daily basis during this time period. Furthermore, why have no remains been found, since open pit burning, even when gasoline is used, generates insufficient heat to totally consume a body?

23) All of the liberated camps were littered with corpses; is there a single autopsy report or any other forensic evidence that shows that even a single one of these deaths was a consequence of poison gas?

24) The death toll for the Holocaust relies exclusively on population statistics provided by Jewish sources; has any independent demographic study been produced that shows that approximately six million Jews were "missing" at the end of the war.

25) Why do the wartime inspection reports of camps made by the International Red Cross contain no references to mass executions - it strains credulity that such monumental crimes could be hidden. The only explanations are that either these crimes were not occurring or that the Red Cross was complicit in a cover up.

26) Why has there been no effort to respond to the Leuchter Report?

27) "The Holocaust was technologically possible because it happened ". Why is this intellectually bankrupt argument, which turns scholarship on its head, considered by the promoters of the Holocaust as historical truth, considered a sufficient response to the mounting Revisionist evidence to the contrary?

28) What other historical truths rely to the extent that the holocaust does on so-called "eye witness" testimony - and why have none of these witnesses ever been cross examined?

29) According to the official version of the Holocaust, the Jews remained ignorant of their fate until the very end so skillful were their Nazis murderers in deceiving their victims. How can this ignorance be reconciled with the fact that the Jews have historically been as a group, the most literate and highly informed people on the planet with legendary access to the highest echelons of government.


The Holocaust (upper case proper noun) was created in 1978. As we all know by looking in any dictionary, encyclopedia, or history book printed before this time -- simply put it does not exist before 1978.

Even Dustin Hoffman in the 1976 movie Marathon Man never uses the term the Holocaust.

Plot Summary for

Marathon Man (1976)

In New York City, the brother of an infamous Nazi war criminal is killed in a head on collision car accident. Shortly thereafter, members of a covert US government group called "The Division" begin to be murdered one by one. When the brother to one Division member sees his brother knifed to death, it is revealed that former SS dentist Szell, "the White Angel" of Auschwitz, is wrapping up loose ends to smuggle priceless diamonds from the United States.

A 1976 Hollywood movie, made by Jews, about an SS dentist from Auschwitz and the Holocaust is never mentioned?
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Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 01:41 pm

Grow up !

What do you want ? Congratulations on adding another piece of fatuous drivel to your cuttings file?

The only people who have or had legitimate "problems" with the holocaust are those who suffered or continue to suffer from it. To suggest otherwise is beyond contempt.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 02:03 pm
fresco, i just wanted answers, if you can't do it, they why bother to post ?
I think you need to grow up or shut up.

When has it been a crime to find answers to unasked questions ?
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Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 03:32 pm
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 03:45 pm
freedom4free wrote:

When has it been a crime to find answers to unasked questions ?

There are lots of primary and secondary sources which give answers to those "questions",

And than, there are those, who pose them.

Well, may be, they can't read German, can't find translations for those sources or just don't know how to go to an archive or ...
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Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 03:55 pm
Too many stupid questions and not enough time to answer them all.

1. Just because someone doesn't succeed with their intention doesn't mean it wasn't their intention. No thinking person would make an argument that failure to succeed absolutely proves there was no intent. In the 1980s, the Hunt brothers attempted to corner the silver market. They failed. Their intent was still intent.

2. Most war histories are told from the viewpoint of the author. Churchill, Eisenhower and DeGaulle didn't spend time in a concentration camp. They had other priorities at the time of the war, like winning the military campaigns.

3. Auschwitz was also a work camp. (For many years before the "final solution" was put in place.) Surely you can figure out why one needs reasonably healthy workers. There are lots of infectious diseases that would need to be isolated quickly to prevent losing the entire slave labor workforce.

4. Work camp!! .. DUH.. silly question. You are fighting a war on 2 fronts and need factory labor to support that 2 front war.

5. No paper found means it didn't exist? There are many references to it by different people.
The two recent discoveries are:

1. The first is a diary entry by Joseph Goebbels of December 12, 1941. It runs as follows:

Bezüglich der Judenfrage ist der Führer entschlossen, reinen Tisch zu machen. Er hat den Juden prophezeit, daß, wenn sie noch einmal einen Weltkrieg herbeiführen würden, sie dabei ihre Vernichtung erleben würden. Das ist keine Phrase gewesen. Der Weltkrieg ist da, die Vernichtung des Judentums muß die notwendige Folge sein.

With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here, and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence. [7]

2. The second is a note in his own handwriting by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler in his soon to be published diary of a meeting he had with Hitler at the latter's Headquarters (Wolfsschanze) on December 18, 1941. The notes are simply: [8]

Judenfrage / als Partisanen auszurotten

Jewish Question / to be exterminated like the partisans

6. Silly argument. Auschwitz wasn't the only camp. Jews also died in other camps and other circumstances. Eichman stated 4 million died in concentration camps and 2 million elsewhere.
"Chelmno had gas vans, and its death toll was 150,000; Belzec had carbon monoxide gas chambers in which 600,000 Jews were killed; Sobibor's gas chambers accounted for 250,000 dead; Treblinka's for 700,000 to 800,000; At Majdanek, some 50,000 were gassed or shot; and in Auschwitz, the Jewish dead totaled more than 1 million."
- Raul Hilberg, "Holocaust," Microsoft "Encarta" 98 Encyclopedia. 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)"
There are 2.85 million right there with 1 million only for Auschwitz.

7. Do you really think the Allies were interested in messages from Germany to camps in Eastern Europe when they are fighting a war on the western side? I doubt it would have been a message of import to send to the western commanders about how things were going in the camps.
As for the "code words" one need only look to today to see the same thing. "terrorists" rather than "US persons" You don't say what they really are to make it more palatable.

8. Would pictures make this clearer for you?
The water table answer is there too. The SS drained it.

10. The argument here shows little understanding of the process. Cyanide gas doesn't leave enough residue to cause death from skin exposure. It might cause headaches, dizzyness. Not much different from working too much without enough food. A fresh air supply would easily clear the room of the gas. Post the particulars on Zyclon B if you have them. You are implying the German's didn't know the technical aspects of a chemical they produced. They would have no reason to use a chemical that has a 24 hour cycle to activate.

11. Has absolutely nothing to do with the hypothesis that the deaths didn't happen.

19. Name them, give their titles and the universities they work at. I bet you won't be able to name 3 and none at a top 100 world institution.

22. answered above. see the photos.

26. Why do you ask questions that are so easy to prove false?

The questions you ask don't have much of a basis.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Mar, 2006 04:06 pm
My suggestion is for you to buy some good books on the subject.
There are some good first hand accounts by inmates that survived the death camps. That would be a good primary source.
This is a subject extensively covered so you shouldn't have any problems finding material.

One book I suggest you try is The Good Old Days

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Mar, 2006 05:29 pm
It was an ad hoc situation. Hitler even helped the British by not exterminating the defeated British at Dunkirk. Hitler wanted to get rid of Jews in Germany but no country wanted them so he went about exploiting them. The religious right wing Jews wanting to go to Palestine were well treated in the Thierenstadt camp and became the showcase for Hitler. As the war progessed and resources became scarse so the work camps deteriorated and desperate measures came into being. At some point the decision was made to separate and then to kill the infirm at the end of the cattle train journey to the camps.
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Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 08:00 am
The issue shouldn't be whether or not the holocaust happened but the emphasis currently placed on it. Why the endless reminders? The ostensible point of holocaust remembrance is to prevent future holocausts. It was never effective in that of course. Essentially nobody remembers or cares about much more recent massacres like those in Cambodia or Rwanda. The real purpose is to solidify and perpetuate the dominance of the pro-Israel crowd in our society. Anybody who opposes Israel or pro-Israel policy runs the risk of being smeared; branded an anti-semite. Constant reminders of death camps reinforces the effectiveness of such smear tactics, thus intimidating most would-be critics.
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Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2006 08:02 am
xingu wrote:
My suggestion is for you to buy some good books on the subject.
There are some good first hand accounts by inmates that survived the death camps. That would be a good primary source.
This is a subject extensively covered so you shouldn't have any problems finding material.

One book I suggest you try is The Good Old Days


Thanks, i have ordered the book. Smile

And parados, excellent post. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 12:45 pm

i'm not sure which "official" version of the holocaust story youre referring to but the jews that i knew/know were more than well aware of what was happening to them.

but what exactly would you have liked them to do about it?

they could have run away, and either be shot; or hidden by a "friend" just waiting to turn them in for offer of reward.

they could to try and escape to a different country... but of course many of the jews who made it to england were kept in large camps, which some would say were very much like the ones are bergen-belsen, auschwitz or treblinka except for the killing!

as for the emphasis placed on it.... the holocaust differs from every other genocide we have seen in human history. there wasn't just 6 million jews killed. there was also another 5 million non jews killed. disabled people, homoseuxals, roma and sinti (gypies), communists, 7th day adventists, catholic priests, presbyterian church workers (ministers, missionaries etc). the reason that the jewish figure is always remembered first is because the number of that one single group was larger than all the other groups put together. in fact it may interest you to know that the generally accepted figures for the holocaust are(as stated( 6million jews, 5 million others.... however there are an increasing number of academics suggesting that upto 26 million people are the victims of the nazi holocaust..... 26 million. that's the entire population of australia - and a few million more!

there was also the cruelty involved. the tests (my mengele and others) on identical twins, pregnant mothers, anyone..... ink injected into eyes to see if it made them a different colour. bleach injected into a womans womb to see if it a)aborted a foetus; b) made her sterile; or c) both!

the purpose of remembering the holocaust is NOT to propegate some kind of pro israel agenda.... it has, quite frankly, nothing to do with poltics as all. the prupose of remembering the holocaust is to ensure that nothing like this will ever happen again.

there is no denying that genocides have occured since the holocaust, i have no doubt that they will happen again.... but none have, nor ever will, get to the same extent as the holocaust did. we understand now that it is unacceptable to stand back as such atrocities occur in our world.

i don't think it's any kind of pro israel, pro jewish agenda that silences critics of the holocaust... i think it's the knowledge that they are wrong. there is, and can be, no doubt that a holocaust occured during the second world war.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 02:01 pm
ffydownunder wrote:

....they could to try and escape to a different country... but of course many of the jews who made it to england were kept in large camps, which some would say were very much like the ones are bergen-belsen, auschwitz or treblinka except for the killing!

Very much like bergen-belsen, auschwitz or treblinka, eh?

Evidence, please.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 02:24 pm
I suggest that you read this.................


Page 5 starts............"For nine months prior to the outbreak of WW11, in an unprecedented act of mercy, ten thousand Jewish and other children were transported from their homes in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and placed into British foster homes and hostels, expecting eventually to be reunited with their parents. The majority of the children never saw their families again........"

Or even better, watch the film (Into the arms of strangers).
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 02:34 pm
freedom4free wrote:
The issue shouldn't be whether or not the holocaust happened but the emphasis currently placed on it.

If that is so, why did you make it the issue of this thread?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 02:35 pm
freedom4free wrote:
The ostensible point of holocaust remembrance is to prevent future holocausts.
Says who? Is the ostensible point of the US Civil War remembrance to prevent to prevent future US Civil Wars? Is the ostensible point of the Napoleonic Wars' remembrance to prevent to prevent future Napoleonic Wars? Is the ostensible point of WWII remembrance to prevent to prevent future world wars? That's a pretty narrow perspective for the impetus for remembrance.
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 03:55 pm
freedom4free wrote:
Why the endless reminders?

Because of people like you. Who else but a Jew hater would try to act like the Holocaust didn't happen?

Riotously obscene moniker for one with your putrid views.
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 04:01 pm
Yeah Lash!
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ebrown p
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 04:10 pm
What really bugs me is that people with your despicable views make life harder for those of us who are trying to ensure fairness in the Middle East conflict and the war on Terror.

To remember the Holocaust is a remember the evil that people can do against other people. It was especially impactful for me because we are European, and we like to think this hateful evil can't happen with Europeans.

The Holocaust was an horrible crime that started with hatred and fear. The fact that I abhor and regret the Holocaust that happened in Europe last century doesn't take away from the other evils that I abhor just as much.

The fact that I disagree with the current actions of the government of Israel should be completely separate from this. I would like to be able to make an intellectually honest argument that represents my desire for a resolution that is fair to both the Jews and the Palestinians and acceptable to the other residents of the Middle East.

With people shouting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories makes me feel very uncomfortable. I am not going to allow people with hateful ideas to pretend they stand with me on any position.

I abhor this crap with all my being.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 04:18 pm
Yeah, ebrown!!

I read an article on a rising comedian in Paris--his popularity is rocketing. The lines that get the most laugh are considered --at least by the one writing the article--to be clearly anti-Semitic.

nimh brought it on another thread.

I am worried that we will be called upon to stand up to this type of thing more and more.

My boss read it and called me into her office and cried. She is afraid for her family in Europe. That is REAL. I'm so thankful to people like you eb, who won't be quiet.

Yeah, Chumly!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 04:28 pm
freedom4free wrote:
The issue shouldn't be whether or not the holocaust happened but the emphasis currently placed on it. Why the endless reminders? The ostensible point of holocaust remembrance is to prevent future holocausts. It was never effective in that of course. Essentially nobody remembers or cares about much more recent massacres like those in Cambodia or Rwanda. The real purpose is to solidify and perpetuate the dominance of the pro-Israel crowd in our society. Anybody who opposes Israel or pro-Israel policy runs the risk of being smeared; branded an anti-semite. Constant reminders of death camps reinforces the effectiveness of such smear tactics, thus intimidating most would-be critics.

Thomas made the point above that this post represents a funtamental contradiction with the proposition with which you opened this thread. He is correct. Your post above demonstrated that you are merely trying to provoke and have no self-consistent, substantiated argument at all.

Your questions and "facts" are reminiscent of the paranoid crackpot theories that arise in nearly all emotionally trying public events. Somewhat like the "who shot JFK?" and "was the 9/11 attack really a Conservative (or jewish) plot?" - all nonsense.

There is little doubt that many aspects of the Holicaust have indeed been overdramatized. However the motives of the largely Jewish organizations that sponsir this are understandably rational. Whatever excesses they may have indulged in in this area are quite in the normal range for human behavior. Certainly history has amply justified their fears.

It is also true that the Holocaust was but one of many such grotesque events that have occurred throughout recorded history and which continue even today in Sudan. The unique quality of this event was that it was done in one of the most culturally, socially, and economically advanced countries in the world. It is a reminder to us all that the advances in which we take such great pride do not protect us from the darker aspects of the human nature which we all share equally. (Indeed elements of similar things are to be found in the histories of many countries.) It is also a reminder that rage against injustice (the fuel Hitler exploited in his rise to power) can itself lead to worse injustice for others. (And the continuing struggle in Palestine is a reminder of the historically perverse truth of this proposition.)
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