Roxxxanne wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:cicerone imposter wrote:OB, If you really understood anything about "truth," you wouldn't be conrfirming yourself as the messiah of "integrity" just because you're able to apologize once in awhile for "ignorance and wrongness." Your "logical falicies" are no better.
While you're at it; consult the section labeled
Straw man to see the what's wrong with this post. :wink:
Why don't you just explain what's wrong yourself?
If you had followed the link you think I don't understand, or had any concept of what defines a Strawman argument; you couldn't ask such a foolish question. The answer is
bolded in your nested quoteQuote:Straw man. This is the fallacy of refuting a caricatured or extreme version of somebody's argument, rather than the actual argument they've made.
I know exactly what a strawman is and can explain it myself and don't need to be lectured by some moron who can't and has the need to refer to a link.
All evidence is to the contrary.
Learn how to read, that would be a good first step.
are you guys gonna get a room, or what ?
DontTreadOnMe wrote:are you guys gonna get a room, or what ?

Oh puhleeze! I just had lunch!
i agree with mysteryman that there should not be a draft; and for the same reasons.
but maybe we can discuss just a little about any situations that would require a draft.
or would the willingness to engage in armed combat on behalf of the u.s. would be such that no draft would be required, even then ?
just a thought...
Since draft is a French invention
- the September 5, 1798 Act, whose first article stated: "Any Frenchman is a soldier and owes himself to the defense of the nation". («Tout Français est soldat et se doit à la défense de la patrie».) -
of course draft is a bad idea. :wink:
[I know, I know: originally it is a Prsussian idea, Frederick-William I created in 1733 the "canton system" by which every male Prussion became member of a 'regiment'.)
So we had always since those days conscripts here in Germany, and this wasn't questioned at all until the last ten, fifteen years.
I've tried to make the best out of my draft - but generally spoken it is one of the most unfair things ever created by authorities.
Walter, I thought conscription was as old as war.
cicerone imposter wrote:Walter, I thought conscription was as old as war.
he might be referring to "national service". my friend from dusseldorf opted to teach kindergarten instead.
those poor kids...
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
he might be referring to "national service". my friend from dusseldorf opted to teach kindergarten instead.
those poor kids...

No, not really:
Wikipedia entry
From Britannica:
Modified forms of conscription were used by Prussia, Switzerland, Russia, and other European countries during the 17th and 18th centuries. The first comprehensive nationwide system was instituted by the French Republic in the wars following the French Revolution and was institutionalized by Napoleon after he became emperor in 1803. After his defeat in 1815 it was discontinued, then reinstituted a few years later, but with restrictions.
Between 1807 and 1813 Prussia had developed a conscript system that became the model for the nations of Europe. The Prussians bypassed Napoleon's imposition of limitations on the size of their army by calling up the permitted number of men (42,000), training them rigorously for a few months, and then releasing the majority and calling up a new complement. They were thus able to build up a powerful reserve of trained men without openly defying Napoleon. After the Napoleonic era Prussia continued to employ this system, so that by the time of the Franco-German War (1870-71) it had a mass army of conscripts reinforced with large reserve units, in contrast to France's smaller standing professional army.
source: "conscription." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 28 Mar. 2006 <>.
Walter Hinteler wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:
he might be referring to "national service". my friend from dusseldorf opted to teach kindergarten instead.
those poor kids...

No, not really:
so are you permanently "on call" then? is there a cut off when they release you from obligation ?
I'm not quite sure about the momentarily situation, to be honest.
When I was drafted, it was 18 months service plus 18 months up to the age of ... might be 45 or so.
Mostly, no-one ever did those second 18 months.
Unfortunately, by reasons only known to the gods of the forces' administration, I became a member of the "alarm reserve".
Instead of going once per year to some stupid exercise I decided to phone early in the year my old unit .... and join them "voluntarily" when going abroad or making some longer turns.
This worked fine for three years - then "they" found out that I was with wrong unit (which I knew from the first day) and had to join as thought origianally with a landing craft squadron.
By that time, I was quite known as good navigator, became finally a warrant officer (the first and only ever in the German Navy without undergoing any exams at all for that) ... and continued going "voluntarily" once a year until I was somehow to old for that rank.
So I made a sailing licence the other year (instead of doing some stupid looking through secret photos and documents) .... and sailed the Kiel Week twice as member of a Navy crew.
And during all that time we neither were attacked nor started a war! :wink:
Well, honestly, it wasn't that fun at all.